
TF2 Update 7/6/15

Another bug fix update. Looks like explosive jumping has been fixed!

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Scorchshot - Added a -35% self damage force penalty (Reduced blast jumping)
Vaccinator - Übercharge penalty no longer applies during setup time
Fixed a case where weapons could still be dropped in Mann vs. Machine
Fixed missing descriptions for the Powerhouse Contract
Fixed self blast jumping for non-Soldier classes. (i.e. Demo, Pyro and any other means of force from self damage. Soldier jumping was fixed in a previous patch)
Fixed weapon pickups resetting the Ullapool Caber
Fixed some weapons not displaying their attachments when dropped (Festives, Kritzkrieg, etc.)
Fixed missing freeze period, not resetting of player scores and not resetting map time when using mptournament
Fixed only showing friends' avatars when tf
hudtargetidshowavatars is set to show everyone
Fixed Shotgun and SMG Killstreak kits not working on Decorated weapons
Fixed an OS X crash related to Contracts


8 years ago by Chesham

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