+25 +1
Texans Brace For President’s Response To Hurricane
HOUSTON—Battening down the hatches as the potentially disastrous situation unfolded, Texans braced themselves Friday for President Trump’s response to Hurricane Harvey.
+26 +1
Reports: Texans cut embattled QB Ryan Mallett, to sign T.J. Yates
Ryan Mallett's messy stint with the Texans is finally over.
+15 +1
Touting morality, Billionaire Texas Brothers top 2016 Political Donor List
One Saturday morning in August, Pastor Farris Wilks, a brawny man with a close-cut beard, walked up to the altar of the church he leads, the Assembly of Yahweh, 7th Day.
+18 +1
John Oliver Exposes Corrupt Stadium Funding Practices In The NFL, NBA, and MLB
Stadium relocations are a sore subject for the city of Houston. For those that remember what it was like to lose the Oilers, this piece for John Oliver is absolute must watch.
+2 +1
Bill O'Brien Ranked Way Too Low Among NFL Head Coaches By NFL.com
There are not a lot of people that could duplicate Bill O'Brien's success through adversity in 2014, and yet some pundits out there still have the Texans head coach ranked fairly low among the NFL's shot callers. Consider us outraged.
+2 +2
Brandon Ivory has been cut.
Rookie defensive tackle Brandon Ivory’s agent said that his client will be cleared of all charges related to his arrest on Wednesday. Ivory and another man allegedly took cash and two iPads after breaking into a home in Alabama while one held an assault rifle and the other carried a knife, which resulted in first degree…
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