
Geek sans internet

So, I am a hardcore, internet loving geek about to go on a week long vacation with minimal internet access. I will be in rural Alabama in a home that is only inhabited a few times a year. So with this house being internet deficient it got me thinking about my always on internet connected lifestyle and what kind of experience this will be. I am by no means saying that I can't live without internet but boy do I enjoy it. So my question to you is:

When is the last time you spent what you deem to be a significant amount of time with little to no internet? and Did you discover anything along the way?

This is the moment of ponder that I submit to you for today.

9 years ago by Nateilus with 3 comments

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  • MePLUR

    I am a hardcore, internet loving geek

    Me too. I've traveled quite a bit in the last few years, and rather than being disconnected, the first thing I do is to buy a local SIM card and add a data plan to it. It isn't as much a necessity as it is a security blanket for me. I did go to a place which had little to no cell coverage for a few days, fortunately there were spots around the house that allowed for a few minutes of connectivity, until a truck drove past :)

    • Nateilus

      Yeah, I am unsure of the cell service where I will be but I think it is OK so I won't be completely off the grid. But, I do think that I will take the opportunity while I am there to try to go device free for some period of time. I don't know the last time that was the case... probably pre Nokia candy bar cell phone.

  • zerozechs

    Stayed at a beach house with my wife for our anniversary with no internet access. We talked and hung out, read books together. Great vacation.

    The internet is fun. I've been on it for longer than some adults have been alive. I developed web pages back in the days of the evil overlords list, so I'm a bit old school. All that on the table, I've really cut back on internet consumption; the endless quest for novelty actually gets old as you place more value on experiences and relationships.