
Welcome to t/tax! Come and introduce yourself.

Hello and welcome to t/tax!

I am YourTaxGuy, the leader of this tribe. My goal is to build it up into a community where anyone can ask questions regarding taxes, and get quality responses from tax professionals. I am an Enrolled Agent, and have been in the field for 8 years. If you are a CPA, and EA, a tax attorney or any other tax practitioner looking to help out others, I would be thrilled if you would join this tribe. If you are not an expert and looking to get a tax question answered, don't be shy in posting it to this tribe, and we'll try to make the subject less scary. The goal is to concentrate on US Income taxes, but any type of tax and any other country's tax system is also encouraged to be discussed here.

If you do decide to join, leave a little message here introducing yourselves.

8 years ago by YourTaxGuy

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