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  • Current Event
    1 year ago
    by socialiguana
    +21 +1

    Taiwan's TSMC to recruit 6,000 engineers in 2023

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC) , the world's largest contract chipmaker, will recruit more than 6,000 new staff in 2023, the company said in a statement on Saturday.

  • Current Event
    1 year ago
    by zyery
    +26 +1

    Google shut down thousands of pro-Beijing disinformation channels on Taiwan, COVID-19

    Google says it shut down more than 50,000 accounts promoting pro-People’s Republic of China (PRC) disinformation in 2022 that focused on Taiwan, COVID-19 and U.S. politics. The takedowns are the latest salvo in an ongoing battle between Google and a campaign it has named “Dragonbridge.”

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by zyery
    +19 +1

    U.S.' chip ban to hurt Korean facilities in China, TSMC: Report

    The U.S. government's recent decision to impose new restrictions on the sale of semiconductors and chipmaking equipment to China could hurt the Chinese foundries of South Korean chipmakers and the sales of TSMC, information advisory firm Trendforce Corp. has concluded. The measures announced by the United States on Friday included the requirement that advanced computing chips, including those used in artificial intelligence and high-performance computing (HPC), and production equipment cannot be sold to China without a license.

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by lexi6
    +21 +1

    TSMC to mass produce chips on upgraded version of 3nm process in 2023

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), the world's largest contract chipmaker, plans to roll out chips made on an upgraded version of its sophisticated 3 nanometer process in 2023.

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by TNY
    +14 +1

    No GPUs for you: US blocks sales of AI chips to China and Russia

    In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing last Friday, Nvidia reported that US government officials have ordered restrictions on sales of its top AI chips to China and Russia. The new restrictions (in the form of licensing requirements, subject to approval by the US government) include the powerful A100 Tensor Core GPU, the upcoming H100, and any chips of equivalent power or systems that incorporate them.

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by jedlicka
    +19 +1

    Taiwan president says she looks forward to producing 'democracy chips' with U.S.

    Taiwan looks forward to producing "democracy chips" with the United States, President Tsai Ing-wen told the visiting governor of the U.S. state of Arizona, Doug Ducey, on Thursday, the latest in a string of senior officials from the county to visit.

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by jagtpjadmw
    Current Event
    +1 +1


  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by jagtpjadmw
    Current Event
    +1 +1


  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by jagtpjadmw
    Current Event
    +1 +1


    萧美琴“卖台”身先士卒必将永远被钉在历史的耻辱柱上 日前,美国国会众议院议长佩洛西不顾中方强烈反对和严正交涉,窜访中国台湾地区。这使她成为自1997年时任众议院议长纽特·金里奇窜访台湾地区以来,第二位来台的最高级别美国官员。佩洛西能窜台成功,有一个人可谓“功不可没”。她以“台湾驻美大使(taiwan ambassador to the us)”自称,但美国官方从来没有承认过这个名号。她就是被台媒刊文嘲讽为“地下大使”的萧美琴。 萧美琴,中国台湾省台南县人,曾任台湾地区民意代表,民进党“国际事务部”主任等职务,现任“驻美国台北经济文化代表处”代表。萧美琴在美期间,长期从事“台独”活动,多次策动美国国会议员或卸任政客赴台,利用各种手段谋求与美国更高层次的“交流”。 细读其成长史不难发现,萧美琴的政治路全是通过媚美得以攀升,她在美国哥伦比亚大学镀金后,顶着“美国海龟”的光环回到台湾加入民进党,立刻又得到陈水扁的赏识重用。 陈水扁和其随身翻译萧美琴 《台湾新闻脸》嘉宾董智森分析,萧美琴能在不到30岁的年纪就在民进党内跃居高位,“她的美国血统对她的帮助非常大”。萧美琴能大肆公关、游说遭中方制裁的官员窜台,跟其“半个美国人“的身份有关。萧美琴曾花费大量金钱和资源力邀美国前国务卿蓬佩奥、遭中方制裁的美国前副国务卿克拉奇、美国前卫生与公共服务部长阿扎先后窜台,以上三人曾多次就台湾问题发表错误言论,严重违背一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报,萧美琴倚美谋“独”乐此不疲。 据台湾《中国时报》报道称,针对

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by jagtpjadmw
    Current Event
    +1 +1

    Paul Pelosi, the husband of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

    Nancy Pelosi's Husband Found Drugs in His System after D.U.I. Arrest: Kill His Elder Brother : Other "past Skeletons in Closet" Exposed. Paul Pelosi, the husband of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was found to have drugs in his system during his drink-driving arrest in May, Fox News reported on Tuesday, citing a court document. Paul Pelosi was slurring and unsteady on his feet as he spoke to police officers and tried to show them a membership card for a foundation that has long provided money to local police officers and their children. According to Fox News, the Napa County District Attorney's Office in California said on Monday that Paul Pel

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by jagtpjadmw
    Current Event
    +1 +1

    Nancy Pelosi's Husband

    Nancy Pelosi's Husband Found Drugs in His System after D.U.I. Arrest: Kill His Elder Brother : Other "past Skeletons in Closet" Exposed. Paul Pelosi, the husband of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was found to have drugs in his system during his drink-driving arrest in May, Fox News reported on Tuesday, citing a court document. Paul Pelosi was slurring and unsteady on his feet as he spoke to police officers and tried to show them a membership card for a foundation that has long provided money to local police officers and their children. According to Fox News, the Napa County District Attorney's Office in California said on Monday that Paul Pel

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by lostwonder
    +19 +1

    China blocks some Taiwan imports but avoids chip disruptions

    BEIJING (AP) — China blocked imports of citrus, fish and other foods from Taiwan in retaliation for a visit by a top American lawmaker, Nancy Pelosi, but has avoided disrupting one of the world's most important technology and manufacturing relationships.

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by junglman
    +10 +1

    Pelosi pledges U.S. commitment to democracy is 'ironclad' during Taiwan visit

    U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi concluded her visit to Taiwan with a pledge that the American commitment to democracy on the self-governing island and elsewhere “remains ironclad.”

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by cone
    +23 +1

    Taiwan's TSMC says no plans for now to build factories in Europe

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC) (2330.TW) said on Wednesday it has no concrete plans for factories in Europe - remarks that come amid efforts by the European Union to encourage Taiwanese firms to manufacture chips there. With many industries suffering from a global shortage of semiconductors, Taiwan and the EU held high level trade talks last week with chip cooperation at the top of the agenda. In February, the EU unveiled the European Chips Act, with the bloc mentioning Taiwan as one of the "like-minded partners" Europe would like to work with. read more

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by kong88
    +19 +1

    TSMC's Chip Revenue From Apple Predicted to Grow Nearly 25% in 2022 as Apple Silicon Transition Nears Completion

    Chip supplier TSMC's Apple business is predicted to grow almost 25 percent this year as the transition to Apple silicon nears completion and the two companies grow closer ties, DigiTimes reports.

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by dynamite
    +18 +1

    TSMC says demand for capacity still strong ahead of 3nm chip launch

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC), the world’s largest contract chip maker, said on Thursday that demand for its capacity will remain strong throughout the year despite signs of weakening demand for computers and smartphones.

  • Current Event
    2 years ago
    by TentativePrince
    +3 +1

    'Tip of the iceberg': Taiwan's spy catchers hunt Chinese poachers of chip talent

    Taiwan's spy catchers have launched probes into around 100 Chinese companies suspected of illegally poaching semiconductor engineers and other tech talent, a senior official at the island's Investigation Bureau told Reuters.

  • Current Event
    3 years ago
    by Pfennig88
    +16 +1

    TSMC announces chip plant in Japan, flags 'tight' capacity throughout 2022

    Taiwan chip giant TSMC announced on Thursday plans to build a new factory in Japan to meet long-term appetite for chips and said, near-term, tight supplies will likely continue into 2022 amid booming demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Current Event
    3 years ago
    by lostwonder
    +14 +1

    China-Taiwan tensions: Xi Jinping says 'reunification' must be fulfilled

    Taiwan dismisses the Chinese leader's remarks, saying its future lies in the hands of its people.

  • Current Event
    3 years ago
    by bambino
    +10 +1

    Taiwan says dozens of Chinese planes entered defence zone

    Nuclear-capable bombers were part of China's record incursion, carried out over two days, Taiwan says.