
Whats sports did you play in high-school and how good were you?

I played Basketball,Baseball, and Football. I was terrible at Football and ok at everything else. What about you?

8 years ago by ChrisThatMixer with 6 comments

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  • RedLantern (edited 8 years ago)

    Football all 4 years, track 2 years and basketball 2 years. I sucked at basketball and was okay at track. Went to college on a football scholarship.

  • Cobbydaler

    Basketball, Rugby, Field Hockey, Tennis, Badminton, Cricket.

    Decent at Cricket and Field Hockey, in fact I played for my father's works team at Field Hockey. Won the local junior doubles, mixed doubles and boys singles titles at my local tennis club. Had a county trial for Badminton, but missed out.

  • PensiveApe

    I was a swimmer. I swam year round from the time that I was nine until I graduated high school. I like to describe my swimming ability as the worst of the best. I would just barely get cuts to go to fast meets, but I was one of the slowest at those meets. High school swimming was much slower, so I would get top 8 in my division at States.

  • ticktack

    Volleyball. And then I messed up my knee and couldnt play anymore.

  • canuck

    As you can imagine by my username it was hockey. I was quite good and played outside of school but then it started getting really hard to compete and I slowly gave up. Some injury issues also.

    • PensiveApe

      Injury issues suck. Some of the fastest people on my club swim team quit because they messed up their shoulders, and it was really sad to see them go. One girl at the same college as me has just started swimming again after all of her physical therapy the past couple years.