
If humans were to be domesticated by aliens, what traits would be bred for?

9 years ago by Raycu with 7 comments

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  • rosellem

    It depends on what they were domesticating us for, pets, work or food. Humans are smart (relative to other animals), and thus I think we would be most useful for work.

    Assuming the aliens are more advanced, seeing as how we are subservient, I think we would be used to do boring tasks they don't want to do, so as engineering and computer programming. Basically, they would design say a computer program, and then say okay write me the few hundred lines of code that makes this work. Thus we would be bred for essentially mathematical ability, with some problem solving skills. Any social skills, charisma, artistic ability, communication skills, would be undesirable and bred out. Basically, they would try to turn us into an biological computer.

    • Raycu

      But wouldn't it be cheaper to simply use a computer? Humans would need a relatively high amount of food for their sustained existence.

      • rosellem

        Well humans are more creative than computers. Yeah, maybe they would have artificial intelligence of some kind, but the human brain is unique.

        • Raycu

          I'm not so sure a race advanced enough to domesticate humans wouldn't be able to simulate our brains. Even if the simulation isn't truly "sentient", it would still serve the same purpose, and get it done just as well as a human.

  • 90boss

    Beauty, loyalty, the ability to entertain and generally a good sense of humor.

    • aj0690

      So kind of like dogs?

      • 90boss

        Yep. What we do to dogs and cats these days is what an alien race would do to us if it felt we are worthwhile to keep around as pets. Really though, what other use would they have for us?