Are posts about Project M welcome here?
I'm making this post because of rule #5 on the sidebar, about piracy. Project M doesn't really have anything to do with that as it requires a copy of Brawl to be run, but I've run into problems on other areas of the internet when posting about the game. I just want to be clear on the moderation team's stance before I post. :)
9 years ago by Fathomite
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To be on the safe side, I also created a new tribe for PM players! Its still a work in progress, but please come check out
Project M is totally cool! It's a wonderful game and I love it to pieces, so it's absolutely fine with me. PM doesn't really apply towards Rule 5 since you do need a copy of the game to run it. At least for me, R5 comes into play with discussing things like where to find illegitimate digital copies of the official games or how to get a game running in an emulator, that sort of thing.
Gotcha, good to know. I've been to some pretty silly places on the net that considered PM to be piracy.