
Dryer Making Strange Noises? Here's What It Means

The operating volume of a dryer needs to be minimal. Unusual loud noises from a dryer can signal trouble with its internal components. Other problems can arise when you choose to disregard those noises. Appliance Repair Rancho Bernardo will analyze and resolve the unusual noises coming from your dryer. This list details typical dryers' similarities and meaning of their sounds.

1. Thumping or Banging Sounds

The regular thumping or banging sounds that occur during dryer operation generally indicate clothes and laundry items are not properly distributed. Heavy dryer contents such as shoes and blankets create spinning irregularities in the drum when they are in the machine. You should rearrange clothes throughout the drum to create a more balanced load. Drum rollers that exhibit wear and tear often generate this noise when they are the cause of continuous noise. Check and replace drum rollers if their condition warrants replacement.

2. Squeaking or Squealing Noises

The main causes of squeaking sounds in dryers are worn-out belts and faulty idler pulleys. The belt extends with time which leads to improper belt positioning and dryer noise. The idler pulley starts to wear out because it controls belt tension. Checking the two parts with possible replacement is essential if you hear this noise.

3. Rattling or Vibrating Sounds

A rattle in the dryer sounds when loose items exist inside the drum or when the blower wheel has become loose. Look for buttons coins as well as small objects inside the dryer. Inspect the blower wheel to find out if it produces the permanent noise because this device direct hot air through the dryer drum. Any loose or damaged blower wheel requires a replacement or tightening to fix it.

4. Grinding or Scraping Noises

The noise when grinding reveals poor condition of drum glides or bearings. The drum requires these items to smoothly rotate through its motion. Such wear over time causes metal contact between drum and metal elements. When you hear scraping noises you should check the glides and bearings for sign of damage then replace them.

5. Humming or Buzzing Sounds

A soft humming sound might naturally come from the motor operation. The dryer motor will reveal a fault when it becomes nonfunctional during operation. The sound of persistent buzzing could indicate there are issues with the start switch together with the electrical connections. Contact a professional to fix your appliance when troubleshooting fails to fix the problem.

Do not dismiss any unfamiliar noises the dryer produces. Routine equipment maintenance serves to stop most malfunctioning components. Unusual dryer sounds should be addressed by Appliance Repair Rancho Bernardo for professional service and repair.

2 weeks ago by steverodriguez

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