+17 +1
The iPhone is now the internet's preferred porn streaming device
The numbers don't lie: A lot of people are ditching their desktops and laptops, and watching porn straight from their phones — or so Pornhub data says.
+20 +1
Inside Porn’s Scary Death-Threat Epidemic
BBW adult star Sofia Rose opens up to Aurora Snow about the large volume of death threats she receives—and how they only seem to be increasing as her popularity grows.
+16 +1
Porn viewers more likely to see women as equals than non-viewers
People who watch pornography hold views of women as more equal to men than people who do not watch pornography, and are no less likely to describe themselves as feminists, according the results of a study published in the Journal of Sex Research. The role of pornography in shaping societal attitudes towards women has been a topic of longstanding debate. Some commentators argue that pornography is inherently demeaning to women, and that viewing it causes men to develop more hostile gender attitudes and causes women to internalize negative gender stereotypes
+13 +1
Pornhub Is Planting a Tree For Every 100 Videos Watched
Finally, someone has figured out an answer to that age-old question: How do I stream porn while also saving the Earth?
+17 +1
Study: Porn sites secretly track users
There are still "larger implications for privacy across the web" for all users.
+38 +1
Facebook and Google track what porn you're watching, even when you're in incognito
Facebook, Google, and Oracle are tracking the porn you watch, according to a new study first spotted by The New York Times. Researchers from Microsoft, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Pennsylvania analyzed 22,484 pornography sites using a tool called webXray to identify tracking tools feeding data back to third parties. "Our results indicate tracking is endemic on pornography websites: 93% of pages leak user data to a third-party," the study concludes.
+29 +1
Here's What It's Like To See Yourself In A Deepfake Porn Video
There's almost nothing you can do to get a fake sex tape of yourself taken offline.
+3 +1
Watching Porn is Bad for Conservative Christians… Because They Feel More Shame
University of Oklahoma Professor Samuel L. Perry just published a book called Addicted to Lust: Pornography in the Lives of Conservative Protestants all about this topic. In an interview with the New Yorker‘s Isaac Chotiner, he sheds some light on how this is actually very harmful for the people watching it.
+7 +1
Pornhub wants to buy Tumblr and restore site to former porn-filled glory
Less than two years after buying Tumblr as part of its Yahoo acquisition, Verizon is reportedly trying to sell the blogging platform. Pornhub has also announced that it wants to buy Tumblr and end the site's Verizon-imposed porn ban. "Verizon Communications Inc. is seeking a buyer for blogging website Tumblr, according to people familiar with the matter, as it tries to steady a media business that has struggled to meet revenue targets," The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday.
+9 +1
Pornhub Is "Extremely Interested" In Acquiring Tumblr
Pornhub confirmed to BuzzFeed News that it is interested in acquiring Tumblr after news broke that Verizon is looking to sell the blogging platform. Pornhub Vice President Corey Price said in an email to BuzzFeed News that the porn-streaming giant is extremely interested in buying Tumblr, the once uniquely horny hub for young women and queer people that banned adult content last December to the disappointment of many of its users.
+29 +1
Loving Oneself by Watching Porn?
Media clickbait headlines love to blame all kinds of wild things on pornography use, and the recent rise in social acceptance of pornography. A recent fad of women who have “bleaching” of the tissues around their anus is commonly blamed on porn, as is the rise in vaginoplasty, a form of plastic surgery involving alteration to the appearance of female genitalia.
+1 +1
Porn companies are embracing crowdfunding
The flood of free porn online has made things hard for professionals who are looking to make a living. For every video-on-demand service, there are dozens of free alternatives and outright pirated films to choose from. Facing the new reality of their industry, many pornographers have gotten creative about how they bring in the bucks, enlisting crowdfunding sites like Indiegogo and Patreon as a new way to make money in the porn business.
+21 +1
Here's what kind of porn Canadian women watch
Pornhub has released insights and statistics on its female viewership, and what type of porn women watch broken down by region.
+16 +1
Arizona state representative proposing $20 internet porn tax to fund border wall
Arizona state Rep. Gail Griffin (R-Hereford) has presented a bill to the state legislature that could end the stalemate between Congressional Democrats and President Donald Trump over $5.7 billion for a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. According to KOLD TV, House Bill 2444 would impose a porn tax on residents of Arizona and require payment of at least $20 in order to view pornography on the internet.
+24 +1
Pornhub reports spike in DC porn viewership during government shutdown
Pornhub is reporting a spike in its traffic from the District during the government shutdown, according to its analytic team. The Pornhub Insights team said its statisticians noticed an increase in porn viewership and a shift in the hours during which people are watching porn in D.C.
+4 +1
Scarlett Johansson: Fight Against 'Deepfake' Porn Is a 'Lost Cause'
Scarlett Johansson said fighting against “deepfake” porn videos, in which someone’s face is superimposed onto a clip they didn’t actually appear in, has become a “lost cause.” The “Avengers” star commented in a Sunday Washington Post story about how artificial intelligence software is being used to create increasingly realistic-looking fake porn videos — and how woman are inordinately targeted. One bogus video, with what is falsely described as “leaked” footage of Johansson, has been viewed more than 1.5 million times on a popular porn site.
+1 +1
Starbucks will begin filtering pornography from its Wi-Fi networks
Starbucks will begin filtering pornography from public Wi-Fi networks in its US stores, the company has told multiple news outlets, including Business Insider and the Verge. "We have identified a solution to prevent this content from being viewed within our stores and we will begin introducing it to our US locations in 2019," the company told the Verge in an emailed statement.
+21 +1
Pornhub Set Up a Mirror Site to Get Around India’s Porn Ban
India revived an order that blocks pornographic websites, but users are working around it.
+13 +1
As porn site pounds hard on piracy laws, Cox pulls out prematurely
The US Supreme Court has been asked to take a good hard look at a critical piece of internet law that shields ISPs and websites from legal action when their users pirate copyrighted stuff. Porn studio Ventura Content has asked the court to review the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) for the first time since it was introduced 20 years ago, arguing that the legislation is outdated and needs reform.
+10 +1
Science Stopped Believing in Porn Addiction, You Should Too
Though porn addiction is not diagnosable, and never has been, there is a large self-help industry surrounding the concept. Mostly on-line (though in religious areas of the US, such as Utah, there are numerous in-person treatment sites), this industry promotes the idea that modern access to the Internet, and the porn that thrives there, has led to an epidemic of dysregulated, out of control porn use, and significant life problems as a result of it.
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