
[Weekly Poetry Challenge] Write a pantoum


Hello! This is the first installment of /t/poetry's Weekly Poetry Challenges. To begin, allow me first to explain how these threads will work:

Each Monday, a new sticky will be posted with the tag [Weekly Poetry Challenge] and a theme in the title. The idea of these Challenges is to write a poem as described by the theme. (For example, in a thread titled "[Weekly Poetry Challenge] Write a poem about changing times," you would write a poem about how times are changing. ) After you've written a poem, please submit it to the comments. There, users will upvote poems that they like, that they find to be especially fitting to the topic, or that they think are of exceptional quality. At the end of each week, a winner will be crowned based on who has the highest comment score. So, your typical online poetry competition.


  1. Submitted poems must be OC. Meaning, only submit something that you wrote.

  2. Poems should be on-topic and should follow the theme.

  3. Please do not downvote submissions unless they are exceedingly off-topic (ex. a poem about pineapples in a thread about finding love). If you feel that a particular poem was not of quality, instead offer constructive criticism to the author in a polite manner.

  4. You may submit as many entries as you like.

  5. Please upvote other submissions. How would we determine a winner if people only submitted their own works and never upvoted others?

This week:

This week the theme is "Write a pantoum." A pantoum is a poem which follows a pattern of repeating lines mixed with new lines. This is the basic structure that your poem should follow. Each repeating letter signifies that a line is used again. (Please note, however, that many different varieties of pantoum exist; all variations will be accepted in this contest, so long as it is still recognizable as a pantoum.) Your poem can be about anything you like, and it is not required to rhyme.

Good luck and have fun!

Note: Due to a change in plans, this challenge will now be open until October 31st. On November 1st, a new challenge will be created under the name [Monthly Poetry Challenge]. This thread will remain open, however, in case anyone still wishes to try their hand at the old topics. We look forward to your support and participation in the future!

8 years ago by IridescentOak

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  • IridescentOak (edited 8 years ago)

    There's no need to be shy about sharing your poems; we won't bite! Here's a silly pantoum of mine to break the ice:

    Acorns (With numbered lines)
    1 Acorns do adorn the tree,
    2 A welcome sight for squirrels to see.
    3 Some of them fall to the ground,
    4 No doubt there's acorns all around.

    2 A welcome sight for squirrels to see,
    5 Something for chipmunks to hide.
    4 No doubt there's acorns all around,
    6 Right within the countryside.

    5 Something for chipmunks to hide,
    3 Some of them fall to the ground.
    6 Right within the countryside,
    1 Acorns do adorn the tree.