
What games are you most looking forward to?

So, as the title says, what games are you most looking forward to on PlayStation platforms.

For me, I think it has to be Fallout 4, although Uncharted 4 is a close second.

What about you?

9 years ago by HauntedCryme with 20 comments

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  • massani

    Uncharted 4 for me definitely. I'm also really interested in Horizon Zero Dawn. I of course have to get a PS4 first though :/

    • HauntedCryme

      It's definitely nice to see the Uncharted demo without the fail-start..

      • massani

        Haha! I'm glad I did not witness that.

  • Fuyu

    Horizon and Dishonored 2 by far. I liked the original Dishonored game and I always love new, interesting looking IP. I'm also kinda interested in FF7 remake. I never played the first one, but everyone claims it's amazing, so if the remake is approved by fans I'll probably finally play it.

    • HauntedCryme

      I loved Dishonored, so am equally excited for Dishonored 2. I am also in the same boat as you with Final Fantasy 7. I never played it back in the day, and when I watched my friend play it last year, I thought the graphics and gameplay hadn't aged too well, so never bothered to play it on my own. I will be watching the remake development though. World of Final Fantasy also intrigued me.

      • Fuyu

        World of Final Fantasy looks cute. If the mechanics are good, I'll probably pick it up as well, but a lot of "Pokemon-style" games feel clunky in some way (then again most of them are mobile games anyways so maybe an experienced developer will make something that feels better).

        • HauntedCryme

          I'm really hoping it's good, because it works cross-save with Vita and it could be the perfect fit to get me back into using my Vita on a more regular basis :)

  • the7egend

    - Horizon Zero Dawn
    - Uncharted 4
    - Everybody's Gone to Rapture
    - No Man's Sky
    - Kingdom Hearts 3
    - Dragon Quest Heroes

    • Fuyu

      No Man's Sky is on such iffy ground for me. On one side, I love what they're going for with the exploration aspect, and how they're working with creating the species (such as basing the evolution of a species on aspects such as atmosphere), but on the other side, it feels more like science or math simulation than a game, and I feel like the more game-like they try to make it, the less I'm going to enjoy it. They've given me the impression that it started off as a simulation and now they're just tacking on game features so now no one will enjoy it because it's not game enough for the gamers and the people interested in the science will get annoyed with the game features.

      • HauntedCryme

        It feels so much like a more casual "Elite", which I'm cool with, although I'm still slightly sad Elite has gone to Xbox One rather than PS4. Again, amazing on Oculus, could be great on Morpheus.

    • HauntedCryme

      Some great games on that list! I have to say, I'm erring caution with Horizon, purely because we've seen very little of what the game will be and I'm trying not to overhype a game and be disappointed again. I'm also interested to see whether No Mans Sky has been held back so it can be a Morpheus game. As a morpheus title, it would be killer.

      • the7egend

        Yea, Horizon could be iffy, I know Killzone games are usually really good, but controls can be weighted and clunky feeling, which has been a turn off of mine for those games, but Killzone Shadowfall was an easy on the eyes game.

        • HauntedCryme

          Shadowfall looked pretty, but I found the gameplay tiresome and quickly grew bored of it.

  • RenegadeMizu

    Persona 5. I don't understand why there isn't a release date yet...

    • HauntedCryme

      Last I heard of Persona 5 was "Q4 2015". Possibly a Gamescom announcement?

      • RenegadeMizu

        2015 is all I've heard. The strange thing is that Japan doesn't have a release date either, which would mean that the English and Japanese versions would have to release really close to each other. They sooner we get an actual announcement, the better. I have to drop ALL the money on it.

    • shmoodow

      I'll be much more excited for P5 once they announce anything about a european release. Not that it's a problem since I can just buy it from Playasia, but P5 is the dealbreaker on me getting a playstation 4.

  • ClockworkInfrno

    Dishonored 2, No Mans Sky, battlefront 3, and kingdom hearts 3.

  • BucksinSixxx

    Horizon, Uncharted 4, Fallout 4, Star Wars Battlefront, Firewatch all spring to mind.

  • Sevenomens

    Horizon looks interesting, but Im on the 200% hype train for Kingdom Hearts 3. Been waiting too long.