
[Steam Giveaway] 2 x Hack 'n' Slash, 1 x Trine 2: Complete Story

First come, first served. Gonna assume there aren't bots in this Tribe that automatically steal keys. Fingers crossed!

Hack 'n' Slash: Taken

Hack 'n' Slash: Taken

Trine 2: Taken

9 years ago by Milk with 7 comments

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  • swoopa

    Took the first Hack 'n' Slash, thanks a lot man!!

  • Milk (edited 9 years ago)

    Also a shameless promo of /t/steamfriends A tribe I started to help gamers find friends on Steam with similar games and what not. Feel free to drop by if that is something you'd be interested in!

  • utesred

    No way! Thanks a ton, Milk!

    I took the Trine 2 code. You rock, my friend!

  • Fuyu

    Thanks a bunch! I grabbed the second Hack 'n' Slash code (not sure if the first one is used).