+16 +1
Chokepoint Capitalism: how Big Tech and Big Content captured creative labor markets and how we'll win them back
we're in a new era of "chokepoint capitalism," with exploitative businesses creating insurmountable barriers to competition that enable them to capture value that should rightfully go to others.
+19 +5
Federal Circuit: AIs Are Inventions, Not Inventors
Modern AI (artificial intelligence) involves sophisticated algorithms and massive computing power. AI has been used to solve numerous problems, and it seems AI's only limit is human creativity.
+15 +1
The Public Paid For Moderna’s mRNA Vaccine Tech; The Fact That Moderna Is Suing Over The Patent Is A Travesty
You may have heard last week that Moderna is suing Pfizer, claiming that Pfizer’s COVID vaccine violates Moderna’s patents. You can read the legal complaint which is full of bluster abo…
+15 +2
Google Sues Sonos Over Voice Control Technology
The lawsuits are the latest jab in a long-running legal battle between the two companies. Google is suing speaker-maker Sonos over alleged patent infringement. In two lawsuits filed Monday in US District Court in California, Google alleges that Sonos' latest voice-assistant technology violates seven patents related to Google Assistant.
+9 +2
AI systems can’t patent inventions, US federal circuit court confirms
The US federal circuit court has confirmed that AI systems cannot patent inventions because they are not human beings. The ruling is the latest failure in a series of quixotic legal battles by computer scientist Stephen Thaler to copyright and patent the output of various AI software tools he’s created.
+21 +4
Apple and Koss settle dispute over wireless headphone patents
Apple and Koss have settled a patent fight over wireless earbuds, including AirPods.
+16 +4
The Inventor of Ibuprofen Tested the Drug on His Own Hangover
In retrospect, perhaps toasting the success of a new medication he helped invent with several shots of vodka in Moscow was not a good idea. However, it was too late to go back. English research scientist Stewart Adams was faced with the consequences of his actions: a serious hangover.
+24 +3
After Years Of Being Called An IP ‘Thief,’ China Now Out-Patenting Others… And Suing
It amazes me that the narrative is still out there about how China is an “intellectual property thief” and that the US and other western nations need to “convince China to respect…
+14 +2
Apple 5G chip problem in iPhone 15 is likely legal, not technical
The iPhone 15 was expected to be the first lineup to use an in-house Apple 5G chip instead of the Qualcomm ones used in current models. A recent report suggested that this won’t be the case because Apple has hit problems with the design, but a new analysis suggests that this is only half-right.
+15 +3
Too Little, Too Late, WTO Finally Eases Patent Rights On COVID Vaccines
In what definitely feels like a case of way too little, way too late, the WTO last week finally decided to grant the TRIPS waiver on COVID vaccines, allowing others to make more of the vaccine with…
+25 +4
When a machine invents things for humanity, who gets the patent?
The day is coming—some say has already arrived—when artificial intelligence starts to invent things that its human creators could not. But our laws are lagging behind this technology, UNSW experts say. It's not surprising these days to see new inventions that either incorporate or have benefitted from artificial intelligence (AI) in some way, but what about inventions dreamt up by AI—do we award a patent to a machine?
+13 +1
Experts: AI should be recognized as inventors in patent law
Plus: Police release deepfake of murdered teen in cold case, and more
+14 +1
Microsoft patent imagines a seemingly perfect foldable phone
Microsoft has filed a patent application detailing a foldable device that can fold both inward as well as outward, eliminating the need for a cover display.
+22 +3
Apple loses fight for third stab at $300 million patent lawsuit
Apple has been denied a third trial in its patent dispute with Optis technology by a Texas judge, and will now have to pay $300 million to the outfit over claims it willfully infringed on patents relating to wireless connectivity.
+21 +2
Apple Researching Mirror Finish and Charging Stands for Mixed-Reality Headset
Apple is researching a one-way mirror finish, wireless charging systems, and charging stands for headset devices, according to newly granted patent applications. In a patent filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office simply called "Display system," first spotted by Patently Apple, Apple outlines how a head-mounted display device may be wirelessly charged via inductive coils placed inside the headband.
+30 +4
Massive Study Finds We Need Better Therapies Than Antidepressants. Here's Why
Antidepressants are the mainstay for treating depression, but their use is clouded by questions about lasting efficacy. A new study now suggests antidepressants may not improve people's quality of life in the long run, compared to depressed people w
+21 +3
Apple's latest patents reveal that the company has plans to introduce its own game controller
Multiple patents related to game controllers have been granted to Apple by the US Patent & Trademark Office in the past two weeks.
+16 +3
Russia Legalises Piracy, Allows Companies To Steal Patents From Unfriendly Nations
The move removes any kinds of protections whatsoever for patent holders registered in hostile nations, do business in them or hold their nationality. This move comes right after several global businesses decided to walk out of the nation after Russia decided to invade Ukraine.
+16 +2
Apple patents Magic Keyboard with integrated Mac inside to bring macOS to any display
Apple is working on an all-new computer concept – a Magic Keyboard designed with a full computer inside that can plug in to any display.
+23 +2
The World Loses Under Bill Gates’ Vaccine Colonialism
Gates pushed for a plan that would permit companies to hold exclusive rights to lifesaving medicines, no matter how much they benefited from public funding. Given the enormous influence Gates has in the global public health world, his vision ultimately won out in the Covax program—which enshrines monopoly patent rights and relies on the charitable whims of rich countries and pharmaceutical giants to provide vaccines to most of the world.
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