+17 +4
Not so wicked afterall
Although the fairy tale of the wicked stepmother is a tale as old as time, the effects of blending children with their new stepfamilies may not be as grim as once thought. In fact, new research shows that stepchildren are not at a disadvantage compared to their peers from single-parent households and actually experience better outcomes than their halfsiblings — good news for the more than 113 million Americans that are part of a steprelationship.
+2 +1
Australia Wants to Teach Basic Cybersecurity to 5-Year-Olds
Australia may become one of the first countries to truly buckle down and prioritize teaching children about online safety. Though kids today are digital natives, they aren’t necessarily taught about all of the dangers that lurk in cyberspace. From a young age, children come to understand that iPads and smartphones are great, that Instagram and TikTok are vital parts of their existence, but they aren’t necessarily told about unsafe apps, data privacy or that opening an email attachment from a stranger can ruin your computer. It just isn’t something that gets prioritized in early childhood education.
+17 +1
Machiavellian parents seem more willing to give kids unnecessary ADHD medication
Incentives such as money and success, along with certain personality traits such as Machiavellianism, could make parents hypothetically more willing to give their children medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder when they dont need it.
+12 +2
Why Climate Change is Driving Some to Skip Having Kids
A new study finds that overconsumption, overpopulation and uncertainty about the future are among the top concerns of those who say climate change is affecting their reproductive decision-making.
+19 +3
Case launched against TikTok over collection of children’s data
Former children’s commissioner for England launches case against video-sharing app
+21 +2
Facebook's proposed Instagram for kids worries child safety groups
An international coalition of public health and child safety advocates urged Facebook executives Thursday to abandon plans to launch a version of Instagram for children under age 13 because its members feared it would put young users at "great risk."
+4 +1
How communicating, connecting with your kids could help them avoid addiction
In her new book "Addiction Inoculation," Jessica Lahey writes that to stay sober and keep her sons from repeating her mistakes, she would have to banish secrets and shame and establish open, honest and transparent communication.
+4 +1
What Is Authoritarian Parenting?
Authoritarian parenting is a parenting style characterized by high needs and low responsiveness. Moms and dads having an authoritarian style have relatively high expectations of these kiddies, yet provide hardly any feedback and nurturing. Mistakes are penalized harshly. Whenever feedback occurs, it is negative. Yelling and corporal punishment are also normal within the authoritarian style.
+16 +3
4 Parenting Styles According To Psychologists
Developmental psychologists have always been enthusiastic about how moms and dads affect kid development. Finding actual cause-and-effect links between parents’ particular actions and soon after young ones’ behavior is quite hard.
+17 +4
Raising a Child Atheist Isn’t a Middle Finger to God
Is god dead? If he isn't to you, then no.
+19 +4
Growing up in a rough neighbourhood can shape kids' brains, so good parenting and schooling is crucial
Social disadvantage can cause stress that leads to changes in 'connectivity' between brain regions, potentially harming adolescents' ability to plan, set goals, and self-reflect.
+13 +2
How Inuit Parents Teach Kids To Control Their Anger
Back in the 1960s, a Harvard graduate student made a landmark discovery about the nature of human anger. At age 34, Jean Briggs traveled above the Arctic Circle and lived out on the tundra for 17 months. There were no roads, no heating systems, no grocery stores. Winter temperatures could easily dip below minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
+22 +3
The Day Children's Literature Died
What happens when the Censor Ship sails up to shore and claims some problematic kids' books? Enjoy this poem and find out.
+9 +2
I Was Constantly Arguing With My Child. Then I Learned the “TEAM” Method of Calmer Parenting
"We’ve forgotten how to motivate kids to do chores without nagging or bribing, how to discipline without yelling or time-outs, and how to relate to children in a way that builds confidence and self-sufficiency."
+18 +7
I'm an Atheist; How Do I Talk to My Kids About Religion?
When it comes to religion, parents—atheist parents, in particular—may find themselves stumbling to explain to their kids why other families believe in certain things, but we don’t. There are an endless number of “Big Talks” we have with our kids over the course of their childhood, but talks about religion are often steeped in the experiences of our own childhood, which may or may not hang off us like baggage now.
+18 +6
Having kids makes you happier, but only when they move out
Having children will cause you to happier than staying childless, consistent with a replacement study, but not until later in life, once they have flown the nest. A team of researchers at Heidelberg University in Germany found that oldsters tend to be happier than non-parents in adulthood , but this only holds if their kids have removed.
+30 +11
Is the Western way of raising kids weird?
"Is he in his own room yet?" is a question new parents often field once they emerge from the haze of life with a newborn. But sleeping apart from our babies is a relatively recent development – and not one that extends around the globe. In other cultures sharing a room, and sometimes a bed, with your baby is the norm.
+1 +1
The Importance Of Playtime For Homeschooled Kids
Does your kids spend a lot of their spare time playing video games? If so, you should consider how much your time is benefiting your children.
+2 +2
How do you discipline a child's temper tantrum? | My Heart Teddy
In order to discipline a child effectively, you must make sure that the child knows why he or she is being disciplined.
+1 +1
Benefits of Soft Toys for Babies and Children | My Heart Teddy
One of the most popular toy choices are those made from plush materials. Here are some benefits of soft toys for babies and children.
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