+15 +1
Israeli organ-trafficking network busted in Turkiye
Israel has long been at the center of international organ trafficking networks and has stolen organs from dead Palestinians
+33 +1
Dutch Bill Would Make Everyone an Organ Donor Unless They Opt Out
People would need to request to be removed from the list. Dutch lawmakers on Tuesday took a step forward on a proposal for a “yes unless” system of organ donation, with the goal of making more organs available for transplant. If the bill becomes a law, it would make everyone in the Netherlands an automatic organ donor unless they request not to be, Dutch News reported. “This is great news for everyone on the waiting list,” said parliamentarian Pia Dijkstra, who drafted the bill. “Every year, 150 people die who could have been alive with a donor organ.”
+16 +1
Transplant Brokers in Israel Lure Desperate Kidney Patients to Costa Rica
Aside from the six-figure price tag, what was striking was just how easy it was for Ophira Dorin to buy a kidney. Two years ago, as she faced the dispiriting prospect of spending years on dialysis, Ms. Dorin set out to find an organ broker who could help her bypass Israel’s lengthy transplant wait list. Only 36, she had a promising job at a software company and dreams of building a family.
+10 +1
Which Organs Can I Live Without, And How Much Cash Can I Get For Them?
First, a disclaimer: Selling your organs is illegal in the United States. It’s also very dangerous. Handing off an organ is risky enough when done in a top hospital, even more so if you’re doing it for cash in a back alley. No, really: Don’t do this. OK? OK.
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