
Oil painting heat painting and cold painting

Hot painting and cold painting are the oldest wax painting techniques in Europe. They are distinguished by the use of wax media. The wax suitable for painting is mainly beeswax. Beeswax sold in shops is creamy in shape or block and melts into turpentine, premium petrol and water when heated to 60 ° C. Wax paintings are suitable for hard supports such as wood panels and can be attached to a canvas. Canvas base generally uses a gelatinous base, also can not do the base, but can not be painted on the oil base. (1) Thermal drawing Select 8 parts of high-quality beeswax, cut into small pieces, add 1 part of Karnuba wax (imported wax, egg-yellow fragments, smooth and hard, can not be used) mixed into a metal container, heat with fire to make it dissolve. Then take the same amount of (1∶2) Dama resin varnish mixed together, and divided into a number of small metal boxes, and then each color powder in a box of hot wax solution, respectively, can be made into different colors of wax paste. When painting, the color paste box is arranged on the smooth metal plate that can be heated, so that the wax color remains dissolved, and the brush can be dipped in the color solution to paint, and the color can be mixed on the metal plate, and diluted with turpentine if necessary. The wax color will quickly solidify on the screen, can be covered with multiple layers, can also be modified and retouched with a scraper while hot. Modern painters often use auxiliary tools such as hot hair dryers, special electric irons, and heated scrapers. As shown in figure 26. The wax colour picture after finishing shows inferior smooth state, usable flannelette is polished on the picture. (2) Cold drawing method Cold painting is divided into emulsified wax and saponified wax two media toning method. Emulsified wax: also known as wax cream, the standard preparation method is: take 30 grams of high-quality beeswax, put into 250 milliliters of boiling water to dissolve, add 15 ~ 20 grams of ammonium carbonate (can be dissolved with a little warm water first), boil and bubble, keep stirring, until the bubble disappeared, can be made into bean curd shaped wax cream. Painting with wax cream 4 parts +1 parts of latex (or animal glue, casein glue, etc.) and color powder use. Saponified wax: place 1 part of beeswax and 3 parts of turpentine in a wide mouth bottle, seal it, heat with water to dissolve beeswax in turpentine, and then add (1∶2) dama polishing oil to mix pigment powder. Cold painting is more suitable for canvas and paper than heat painting, but if cold painting wax painting wants polishing, it is best to draw on the board of gypsum base

1 year ago by Painting

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