
The baroque style

The baroque style Baroque is the general term for seventeenth-century European art, but it began as early as the end of the sixteenth century, and even in the eighteenth century, it can still be seen. Baroque is a stylistic term for a major style of art popular in Europe from the beginning of the 17th century through the first half of the 18th century. The word comes from the Portuguese barroco, which means an irregular pearl, but Baroque as a style has long been a matter of debate among art historians. The original meaning of the word "Baroque" implies that it is untidy, distorted, or grotesque. It is probably the title given by eighteenth-century classicists to their predecessors' art of which they did not agree, and the term was used by Renaissance humanist writers to criticize works of art that were not made according to classical norms. Display a colorful and varied style Although the BAROQUE style inherits the tradition of illusion reproduction established in the Renaissance, it abandons the classical style of simplicity, harmony and stability, and pursues an artistic realm of complexity, grandeur, momentum and movement. The biggest representative of Baroque style in painting is the Flemish painter Rubens, Italy's Caravaggio, Benini, France's Poussan, and Spain's Velazquez, etc. Painters of this period tended to use arcs and diagonals in their paintings. The paintings were full of kinetic force and dramatic light and color, which made the space in the paintings create an illusion of infinity, so as to bring the viewer's eyes into the paintings. In addition to paintings, Baroque art is also expressed in architecture. The main representative in architecture and sculpture is Italy's Bernini. Buildings full of decoration, a large number of arc-shaped overall shape, dome roof, big escalator and very elegant garden, square, fountain, laurel gallery and sculpture, are the characteristics of buildings at that time. The seventeenth century in Europe was a time of great change, and the trend of its artistic development had a great deal to do with the dispute between church and state. In the early 16th century, after Martin Luther advocated the Reformation in Germany, the Roman Church, which was once shocked and lost power, launched another wave of counter-reformation in the 17th century. In the Protestant countries, respect for freedom and materialism was the main cause for the development of new knowledge; In the sphere of influence of the old church, the court and the church were the center, encouraging magnificent and magnificent art. On the one hand, the taste of the court, which boasted of strong secular power, was combined with the fanatic and solemn ceremonies of the old church, so that the Baroque art of the 17th century, which expressed power and abundance, came into being. Rome was the birthplace of Baroque art, and from this center spread throughout Europe, as well as its possessions in the Americas. But in fact, the wind between them, "Baroque" has become a unique style, because it is in the spirit and technique of art, and the high Renaissance has a clear difference. If Renaissance can be classicism, Baroque can be Romanticism. It developed with the consolidation of aristocratic rule after the restoration of feudal Catholicism. But we can't simply call Baroque art and its representatives anti-retrograde, retrograde art. It is true that the individual is subject to history, but the individual reflects various historical factors (including all past traditions) and brings something new to the history of the present. This gives rise to a colorful and varied image of history.

1 year ago by Painting

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