
Post impressionism

Post impressionism French art phenomenon following impressionism in the 1880s and 1890s. The title of post-impressionism was created by R. Fry, a British art critic. The main representative figures are P. Cezanne, V. Van Gogh, P. Gauguin, etc. They have followed impressionism to varying degrees, and gradually dissatisfied with the excessive emphasis on objective expression of impressionism and the one-sided pursuit of external light and color of new impressionism, and advocated to express their own feelings more strongly. His creation is characterized by his attention to form and Cezanne's "Orville's Winding Path" (oil painting) forming lines, color blocks, body, surface, as well as strong internalization and personalization. Although they have the same creative tendency, they also have their own distinct artistic personality: Cezanne paid attention to the concreteness, stability and expression of internal structure of matter, which greatly promoted cubism and constructivism. Cezanne's creative activities all his life are to pursue the eternal form and solid structure in his mind, to create the sense of weight, volume, stability and grandeur of the image, and finally achieve the effect of simplification and geometrization, which makes him the ancestor of later cubism and abstraction. Van Gogh's pursuit of the expressive force of line and color and the decoration of the picture directly inspired brutalism, expressionism and other schools. Van Gogh's new style of painting, can be said to be impressionism, new impressionism, the product of Japanese Ukiyo-E prints fused in his personal temperament, is the result of the integration of Eastern and Western painting. A prominent feature of Van Gogh's paintings is the strong expression of his own personality. Some people say that all his paintings are self-portraits. Gauguin advocated painting from memory instead of facing objects, and advocated the aesthetic principle of synthesis and symbolism. Gauguin, on the other hand, focused on the originality and symbolism of artistic expression, and exerted an important influence on symbolism, surrealism and other schools. Post-impressionism completely abandoned the attitude of NATURalism, shook the foundation of western painting based on imitation, led painting to a more novel, more permeated with strong emotions of the subjective world, the 20th century Western modern art schools provide a model for reference. The three artists are died a long time to get social recognition, the three of them together opens the door of modern art, in their creative thought and artistic concept produced under the influence of the beast, cubism, expressionism, abstract expressionism, etc., are they completely changed the face of western painting, from the objective reappearance to the subjective expression, and make it into a modern, They are known as the fathers of modern art. Strictly speaking, post-impressionism is not a school of painting. They are not a group, nor have a joint exhibition, let alone a declaration, but all three are born from impressionism and have a tendency to create together. Later art historians found that they were not only associated with impressionism but also different from impressionism, they called them "post-impressionists".

1 year ago by Painting

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