
What's your non-english tribe and what are your plans for it?

9 years ago by redalastor with 3 comments

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  • Bastou

    I just created /t/italian for learners of Italian and to discuss in Italian.

    Since I'm the only member so far (I created it literally 5 minutes ago), my plan is to get 2 more members by the end of this week and ask them what they want to do with it! ;-)

  • redalastor

    My tribe is /t/quebec/

    I'm the chief of it and also a mod of it's equivalent in the redditverse. It currently has a bit over a score of users but recruitment halted due to language uncertainties. As soon as it is settled, I'm sure we'll have plenty of new users crossing over from reddit (the ones compatible with snapzu of course.

    I'm quite eager to build a nice, friendly, cozy, québécois tribe around here.

  • Bastou

    I also claimed /t/language, that seemed all but abandoned for whatever reason (1 member and no chief when I claimed it). We're 3 already, progress!