
[NSFW] /t/legalteens - A tribe to share nsfw content of 18+ teenagers


i want to intruduce an other NSFW tribe.

I choose /t/legalteens as a tribe name to make it absolutely clear that no minors are allowed. I could have chosen /t/teens but i think it's better this way. Hope that's in the interest of everyone.

That being said. Feel free to join us!


9 years ago by sin with 2 comments

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  • gremlin

    I dunno, how can you ever tell whether or not someone is 17 or 18? It seems a bit dangerous.

    • sin

      Well, my intention is not to post images as young as possible, so it should not be a problem. If it looks too young it is for this tribe. I would for sure delete a picture when i am not sure. But you are right you can never be 100% sure.