+14 +1
Climate Case Against Shell Begins In The Netherlands
The case was brought by a group of environmental organizations and more than 17,000 Dutch citizens. They demand that Shell be forced to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 45% by 2030.
+21 +1
Dutch government pilots technology to cut e-bike road deaths
Digital system automatically reduces electric bicycles’ power in built-up areas
+32 +1
World first: Dutch brewery burns iron as a clean, recyclable fuel
Many industries use heat-intensive processes that generally require the burning of fossil fuels, but a surprising green fuel alternative is emerging in the form of metal powders.
+19 +1
In the Netherlands, children of lesbian and gay parents do better at school
A new study from the Netherlands finds that children raised by gay or lesbian parents do better at school than children raised by heterosexual parents. Previous studies of academic outcomes for children raised by same-sex parents have mostly relied on small sample sizes. But this new study, published last week in the journal American Sociological Review, includes data on 2,971 children with same-sex parents (2,786 lesbian couples and 185 gay male couples), and about 1.2 million children with different-sex (i.e. heterosexual) parents.
+15 +1
Mind your Ps: Amsterdam installs plant pot street urinals to improve toilet manners
It erodes historic walls, creates a stench and may even lead to the deaths of several young men a year, who try to use a canal late at night. So now Amsterdam is trying to make ‘wildplassen’ – urinating outdoors – better for humans and for the environment by investing in a set of GreenPee urinals.
+9 +1
What the Dutch can teach the world about remote work
The Netherlands may have figured out something about working from home (pandemic or no) that the rest of the world has yet to learn.
+21 +1
Longest green roof on a residential building in the Netherlands completed
The largest social housing complex in Rotterdam-Zuid has just taken yet another step towards climate resilience. The iconic Peperklip now has the longest natural roof amongst all residential buildings in the Netherlands, reported the municipality of Rotterdam earlier this week. The 7,600 square meters of greenery which will grow on the roof shall contribute to the biodiversity in the city and retain water during periods of heavy rainfall.
+4 +1
The Netherlands is slashing emissions by as much as 12 megatons this year—because of a lawsuit
As the Trump administration continues to roll back climate policy in the U.S., including changes to clean car rules that will allow cars to emit nearly a billion tons more carbon dioxide than they otherwise would have, the Netherlands is moving in the other direction, rolling out a set of new policies that will drastically cut emissions this year and put the country well on the path to its goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050.
+7 +1
KFC In The Netherlands Will Not Sell Meat For An Entire Week
A KFC in the Netherlands will be the first major fast food chain in the world to not sell any meat. KFC has its critics amongst vegans and vegetarians and rightly so. Their practices over the years with regard to the treatment of animals have been poor to say the least. Although it is money motivated they have been introducing vegan options of late which can only be a good thing. Now in a world first for a global fast food chain, a branch in Rotterdam has announced that during ‘Week Without Meat’ all options at restaurant will be replaced with veggie alternatives.
+14 +1
ESA researchers built a plant that can extract oxygen from the moon
European Space Agency (ESA) researchers have begun extracting oxygen from simulated moon dust. A reclamation plant has been built at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in the Netherlands
+3 +1
The teenage Dutch girls who seduced and killed Nazis
During World War Two, the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands turned three teenage girls into fierce resistance fighters. Truus Oversteegen, Freddie Oversteegen and Hannie Schaft have been remembered for their technique of luring collaborators into the forest for them to be executed.
+21 +1
‘People aren’t disabled, their city is’: inside Europe’s most accessible city
From flattened cobbles to threshold ramps, the Dutch city of Breda has much to teach its neighbours
+4 +1
Dutch detectives turn to power of podcast to solve 1991 murder case
Netherlands detectives were inspired by Making a Murderer and other true-crime shows
+3 +1
Three injured in Hague stabbing attack
Dutch police are searching for a suspect and have not given a motive for the attack on a shopping street.
+4 +1
Highly gifted: 9-year-old boy obtains Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering
Most kids are busy with other things at the age of nine, but not Laurent Simons from the Netherlands. He is the world's youngest university graduate and is about to receive a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records for it.
+19 +1
The Netherlands Surpasses Wildest Predictions For Tesla Model 3 Sales
Normally Norway is the biggest Tesla market in Europe. When the Dutch market absorbs nearly three times the Norwegian number of Model 3s, that is crazy. Electric cars are far better known in Norway than in the Netherlands. In Norway, there was a huge pile of orders waiting when the first ship from Fremont arrived. In the rest of Europe, not so much. Europe has to wake up to this new type of car. The Zoes, the Leafs, and the i3s were toys for a small group of treehuggers. The big Teslas were toys for the rich, and there was nothing in between.
+28 +1
The World's First Floating Dairy Farm
In the search for more sustainable methods of global food production, one couple in the Netherlands is taking an unconventional approach: they have become the operators of the world's first and only floating dairy farm.
+19 +1
Dutch police officer kills children, self: police
A Dutch police officer shot and killed his two young children and himself at a h...
+14 +1
Belgium and the Netherlands Swap Land, and Remain Friends
The discovery of a headless corpse in the Netherlands helped Belgium and its bigger Dutch neighbor resolve a property squabble that began in 1961.
+3 +1
Wolves back in Netherlands after 140 years
The Netherlands has its first resident wolf population in 140 years, according to ecologists. Wolves were hunted out of many European countries over a century ago but have gradually been migrating back across the continental mainland. Occasional wolf sightings have been made in the Netherlands since 2015. But these animals were previously thought to be animals that had crossed over temporarily from Germany and would subsequently return there.
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