
Hey All

Hi there, I, like many posters here am a new member and I have a few questions about the site and stuff

  1. How important are running jokes? i know on reddit and the like if you don't know what obscure reference a poster is making to a thread from 4 years on 4chan you get eaten alive and alot of "wooshes"

  2. If said running jokes are important, is there some sort of "out of the loop" type thing I can check out?

  3. how welcomed are new tribes? other places frown upon the new peope trying to start there own thing right off the bat but if there is something i think i could add to the site, should I?

  4. where would i promote said tribe?

thanks in advance guys i really appreciae how amazing and welcoming the community has been so far :)

8 years ago by Castive with 3 comments

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  • btcprox

    I'm pretty sure Snapzu is still too fresh and under heavy flux for enough "extraordinary" content to be accumulated to allow for insider jokes. When it gets more prominent though, I'd think it'll depend heavily on how the tribe chief perceives the value of such humour in that tribe.

    /u/LacquerCritic already touched on new tribes with some good advice.

  • LacquerCritic

    I don't have enough knowledge to answer your first two questions, but as for the last two - lots of people are making new tribes and it's very welcome. Please check to make sure there isn't already an existing tribe for the exact interest - you can do this by searching various related terms with the search tool at the top of the page. Just make sure to click "tribes" after you've put in your search terms so that you'll see potentially relevant tribes and not just the relevant snaps.

    As for promotion, /t/newtribes is all about promoting your new endeavour!

  • Fooferhill

    Anything that works hard at excluding others just needs some silent treatment. I haven't noticed anything that remotely looks like being eaten alive on SNAPZU - how cool is that? Love that SNAPZU has a mature approach to discussion and retains some awesome debate. I feel like I actually take the time to think about the various points of view rather than just being hit with snarky meaningless belittling of others.