
What are some usability tips and tricks that we all should know about Snapzu?

I've had an account for a while now but haven't been active much. This is mostly due to my busy schedule so I usually just lurk around and read some stuff and that's basically it. I have some more time now and plan to contribute some more but I'd rather get the learning curve out of the way, as it seems like there may be one.

Thanks in advance!

8 years ago by Apolatia with 10 comments

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  • ObiWanShinobi

    - To view full-text history of your comments, go to the House button, click the Following feed, and select the "Me" filter.

    - In the Mag view, click the top right corner of a picture to be taken directly to it's external link, but clicking on the text will lead you to the comments page, where the posters will usually add awesome extra content.

    Just a couple things I found convenient.

    • [Deleted Profile]

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    • kolekelley2

      I didn't know these, thanks!

  • [Deleted Profile]

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  • zyery

    Check out the /t/blog for all official posts by teamsnapzu.

  • Nelson

    When you down vote a snap you can choose a reason of why you down voted. Many people don't know this here.

  • eruditojones

    I've always been facinated by Snapzu's ability to have self-created snaps with a bunch of features that on Reddit would be only available by the RES download. I've been meaning to try and create an example snap which uses all the features, but real life has kinda gotten in the way (i care for my mum on a day to day basis and things have gotten hectic recently).

    What I thought about doing was this:

    1) Create a snap using all the available features (image, text, link, map, etc, etc) 2) Publish this inside a how to guide using all these features (screencaps and the likes). 3) Try and persuade the admins and etc to leave the resulting example and how to guide as a sticky on /t/lounge as a permanent example to all refugees.

    I don't like suggesting something I'm not willing to do myself, but I'm sporadically online at the moment and will probably have the time to do it in a couple of weeks, but right now is kinda difficult. And given how many redditors are on here right now... (hint hint).