I'm really enjoying the look and feel of this website, but I have a few questions.
So I've pretty much switched over to Snapzu from Reddit completely, but there are a few things I'd like to know a bit more about.
Above the submission button there is what I would call a tribe toolbar, I don't know what it's called. But I'd love to be able to customize it with my own tribes, or just certain tribes I go to frequently. Is there a way to customize it? And if not, is there no way to quickly get to certain tribes I frequent? Like the shortcut bar from RES.
I also don't understand pins. From what I understand it's a save function but it's organized by categories, or folders or something. Which is fine, that sounds a lot better than what was on Reddit, but there's a limit, at the moment it says 20. Do these replenish each day? Each week? By how much I vote or comment on posts? Will I get more than 20 the higher level I am?
My apologizes if this info is on the FAQ thing but I didn't quite understand what all it said about pins, and I don't think it said anything about this tribe toolbar(?).
Anyway, yeah. Thanks for the invite, here's to hoping this grows on me.
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The top bar is not customizable yet, but there are plans to make it so.
There were plans to introduce a customizable bar soon, but no date on that.