
Question about replies

I migrated from "that other site" yesterday. I checked the FAQ and the guides, but could not find where unread replies to my comments could be found. In other words, how can I find the replies to my comments? I realize there's a notification popup when someone replies to my comment, however if I'm not online or if there are multiple replies, how does this system work?


8 years ago by 0x536e61707a75 with 1 comments

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  • cmagnificent

    I'm not sure if this is what you're asking for specifically, but to the right on the bar at the top of your screen, there's an icon that looks like a list. If you click that it gives you your full notifications which includes each time someone replies to one of your comments. When you have a new notification it turns white instead of grey.

    I think it could be a little more inuitive. Like when your avatar pic gets a numerical notifier when you get a new message, I think the notifications feed could use the same thing.

    • 0x536e61707a75

      Ah thanks, yes this was what I wanted to find. I didn't notice it at first due to it showing level ups for most of the time.