
New here from reddit. My question is.. What features on here make this place a legitimate contender and not just another clone?

Just wondering as no one was able to conclusively answer that in the reddit thread.

10 years ago by MrPeverly with 6 comments

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  • sysadmin

    There isn't a single conclusive answer because different people want different things from the site. There are some people who are blissfully content with reddit. More power to them. But, there are more and more who are decidedly unsatisfied with reddit and maybe snapzu can function as an alternative for a majority of those people. Time will tell. It always does.

  • picklefingers

    One thing I've enjoyed is the fact that your post can go in multiple tribes. I think this helps make the website more fluid. It seems like reddit is very separated. Each subreddit is its own community/network, instead of being networked into the website. While this is fine for smaller subs that focus on community, it kind of brings other subs down. With this website, its still possible to create that community feeling if you want to, but those who want to be networked into the "main community network" (basically the default subs on reddit) have a much easier time doing so.