
(New User) How much traffic does snapzu get, and how much can it handle?

I don't wan't to see this site go the way of voat. It seems like the invite program's working pretty well, but lots of new users are coming on. Are there enough servers to handle them?

8 years ago by RedForge with 1 comments

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  • Triseult

    It was holding on the day of the "mass exodus" (barring some hickups), so I don't see any reason it won't hold from now on.

    Voat.co seems to have gotten the brunt of the migration, with Snapzu a good second. Seeing the influx of memes and stuff on Voat, I'm pretty glad it went this way. Seems like this place is drawing those who are looking for thought-provoking links and discussions, not just a place to listen to their own echo.

  • Atilly

    As far as I can tell, this site isn't using a CMS (Or at least a non-custom made CMS, which can mean awesome things, and not-so-awesome things. As far as updates go, I'm seeing the people in charge on Snapzu are really pushing to accommodate all the newcomers, and have done well thus far. I'm not sure how much traffic she can handle but it's comforting to know they're not throwing in the towel.