
I want front page banners back.

I remember when I first got sent here from /r/redditalternatives sometime before FPH, I was welcomed by a banner with a pleasing image of some graffiti. After refreshing and coming back to the front page after a little browsing, I was welcomed each time by a different picture/banner, with each and everyone being of beautiful photography. Snapzus design was what really caught me and kept me, especially with the banner and the magazine browser even though I dont use the mag as much. I would love to see those fantastic and welcoming pictures back every time I come here, im still puzzled why it was removed. Banners being limited to profiles and tribes isnt good enough I feel.

Maybe im being pedantic, but some of that photography really was awesome and I could use that stuff on something I use so often. I feel some pretty pictures can turn someone days around, or make it even better. I'd bet you a nice welcoming banner will help catch redditors attention when they come here, reddit being so dull and boring, it be a good change for them (after all it worked on me).

Further, I'd like to see personal website customization, and even personalized profiles, something like myspace or the list of different color and text themes like on 4chan/old youtube, but within the limitations to keep things tasteful profile wise, and maybe give users the ability to toggle off personalized profiles if you dont what see what people have to offer.

9 years ago by cheezoncrack with 2 comments

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  • LacquerCritic

    Sounds like something you should submit to /t/ideasforsnapzu ! :) The admins are looking over all submissions to that tribe for new features, improvements, etc.

    • cheezoncrack

      Thank you, I didnt know of this tribe. I'll drop some ideas by. :)