
Hello! MisterBinlee here.

Leaving reddit because I really didn't use it that much and now that its sinking, it appears to be worthwhile to find alternatives. I enjoy Science, especially biology and chemistry, technology, and animals. I'm hoping that this will be a place with lesser censorship than reddit and more freedom.

8 years ago by MisterBinlee with 6 comments

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  • jarekb84

    Hey /u/MisterBinlee, welcome to Snapzu! This site is fairly open, but there are some things that won't be tolerated. Here's a quote from the terms of use

    By using Snapzu, you agree not to make available content that is:
    Threatening - Don't threaten people, you wouldn't threaten someone at your birthday party. Don't PM threats and don't post any type of threats in snaps / text posts or comments.
    Harmful - Whatever you wouldn't do to yourself because your brain instinctively tells you "its bad", don't do to other people. Unless you're a psychopath, then, just, use the code that your father taught you on how not to hurt others.
    Unlawful - Illegal stuff gets everyone in trouble, so lets not do illegal stuff. Don't post illegal downloads, music, pictures or anything else that would otherwise land you in jail if engaged in on another medium (like a bazaar).
    Abusive - Don't partake in abusive behaviour either by yourself or in a group. No witch hunts, no bullying, no posting of personal information, anything that you would dread happening to you, DON'T do it to others.
    Harassment - It's alright to have a heated discussion on whatever topic comes to mind, but don't continue to repetitively PM someone after they have given you obvious signs that they have concluded their discussion with you. By obvious we mean obvious, harassment will not be tolerated in any form.
    Libellous - Don't post personal information, don't post defamatory content about other individuals. I'm sure everyone of us hates negative untrue rumors going around about ourselves, this is even worse.

    The admins/devs tend to let the community handle enforcement of this using downvotes though.

    As to tribes that match your interests, check out this search for science related tribes, which comes up with /t/science, /t/physics, and /t/neuroscience amongst many others. Here's a quick video on how to find other tribes using the search feature. Each snap also has a list of tribe's its been posted to on the right side which should help you find other related communities. See that in action here.

    There are a lot of features you'll discover as you start using this site. You can check out this great post about the The 10 most awesome features on Snapzu which will give you a quick rundown of some interesting features. For more info, check out the links in the footer of the site and the stickies in the /t/lounge.

    Enjoy your stay and feel free to ask questions here or at /t/asksnapzu.

  • VoyagerXyX

    Welcome to snapzu! I hope you enjoy this community as much as I do!

    • MisterBinlee

      thanks, hoping that it ill be a source for better discussion.

      • VoyagerXyX

        It will be* the* source for the best* discussion. FTFY :)