What is your experience with the Snapzu referral program?
Hello again guys! I'm simply wondering if anyone has any experience with the referral program snapzu provides? I've read all the faq's but, my tribe is struggling to grow and I'm wondering if it might help boost the amount of members in my tribe. The problem is that I'm not particulary willing to share via facebook, and I don't have a lot of followers on twitter. Would the program be of any use for me? Would also love to hear others experience with it!
9 years ago by PublicPear
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I see the problem. I do not use Twitter or Facebook and rarely use Reddit now that I've sank my roots in here. I belong to some smaller forums but I don't think going on about Snapzu on them would win me any applause. I suspect we are in the same boat here.
This is exactly my situation! I guess we'll just have wait for snapzu to grow and hopefully our tribes will as well
What tribe do you want to grow?
And you obviously don't want to hijack someone else's community to try to drive the members to here.
I have an easier time, I'm a moderator of a reddit sub with members unhappy about reddit.
Yeah I don't think promoting my tribe will be well received on reddit
Is your mirror sub unhappy with reddit?
You could always PM specific users and invite them. Then it might snowball.
I don't think they care to be honest, thanks for helping though! 1
As far as I understood, the referral program is a cool thing to do when your prospective tribe members already follow or hang with you somewhere.
yeah thats kind of the way I understood it aswell. Thanks for answering!