
What are reasons you downvote snaps and comments?

I'm looking for general/majority criteria on downvoting snaps and comments.

The consensus seems to be that you should not downvote based on disagreement. I also posted a snap yesterday that got a downvote but for no given reason. I'm left with thinking it had to be a disgruntled person since the nature of the snap could definitely have that effect.

So on that note, what reasons have you found to downvote things? If you haven't downvoted, what do you look out for? Thanks for the feedback!

Edit: Also adding another question, how do you give feedback on downvotes?

8 years ago by Xeno with 8 comments

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  • Quietrabbit (edited 8 years ago)

    The only time i've downvoted a comment is when there was this troll talking about jews ruining the world

    • Xeno

      Thanks! For some reason I'm happy this was the first comment. lol

  • Captainmarvel (edited 8 years ago)

    Trolling, snaps that break tribe rules, and improperly tagged snaps for the most part. If your snap is downvoted though, proper snapzu etiquette would be to give you the reason for the downvote though with the influx of users and slowness of the servers it's unfortunately not happening as it should.

    • Xeno

      Hey thanks for the reply. On giving a reason, I know when you click the red downvote counter it pops up a box and usually says "No down vote reasons were selected by any users." This indicates to me that there is an integrated way to supply feedback if I happened to downvote something, but upon testing it out there was no prompt. Is there a way to get downvoting feedback into that box?

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  • QuietKerfuffle

    I tend to just upvote or not vote. It has to be really egregious for me to downvote someone. I don't think I've downvoted on Snapzu yet.

    • VoyagerXyX

      This is exactly how I execute my upvoting across all of my subbed tribes. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. Something would have to be pretty damn bad for me to want to downvote. I hate the feeling of being downvoted and I wouldn't wish that feeling on other people.

  • Ladysfi

    I downvote if the content isn't relevant to the conversation.