
[Refugee Post] What was the content that first sucked you into Reddit? We could all try and recreate it here!

Reading through the Ken Jennings AMA (the Jeopardy champion) was one of the funniest things I ever read online. I wish we could get that going again but I think the magic might be gone there.

What about the rest of you? Can you recall the first thing that sucked you in?

8 years ago by SnapPee with 13 comments

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  • JohnDough99999

    Writing prompts: As a much younger man I used to enjoy getting lost while writing a story. The focus and total immersion into a new land was a beautiful escape. Slowly I got away from writing and WP woke that spark up just a little. I seem to have difficulties finding a block of time to become totally lost in new worlds but really enjoy reading others works.

    There were some truly gifted people in r/WP

  • stareyedgirl

    Early days of reddit for me was THE ask reddit post where everyone confessed their secrets - that thread was incredible. Years later, there were still new comments being added, because time limits on replying hadn't ended yet.

    But askreddit was it for me, so many people from so many places all sharing their life experiences. Sure, some of them were hopeful writers making stuff up, but it was still fascinating.

  • AlexMD

    My highest valued content was the music subreddits. listentothis, chillmusic, and others helped me more efficiently find new music I enjoy, which I don't have as much time to do as I used to.

  • Cat

    I joined Reddit for cat memes all those years ago.

  • Niqulaz

    I was largely in it for non-toxic discussion. You could have an exchange of opinions instead of shouting matches. But that was a long time ago.

  • drapermache

    What brought me to reddit was the great resources for programming, and cyber security. I still frequent /r/netsec, /r/necsecstudents, & /r/sysadmin to keep up on current trends as well as finding great resources to help continue my education. As someone who wants to go into the cyber security field, I loved that /r/netsec had a quarterly hiring thread. If snapzu, had something like that, I would probably abandon reddit altogether.

  • Quietrabbit

    Well I first found out about reddit through the RageComics app (Those were very dark times) but what really got me into reddit was subreddits like /r/Smashbros and /r/Askreddit which I always made a point to check every day, though it's really sad to see my favorite site go down in flames like this, i'm really loving you guys

  • massani

    Back in 2011, I kept seeing rage comics from r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu. I would prefer it if rage comics stay a thing of the past, lol.

  • LezBProud

    I have to say that the thing that sucked me into Reddit was the hilarity that always came of travelling to AskReddit. Finally, I made an account on New Year's day, 2013, and made a post a few weeks later asking, "What's the creepiest thing you can say in someone's ear while hugging them?", and it got decently big. From then on out, I stuck to it. I lurked for years though, before making an account. First time I went on was June-ish of 2011--a friend introduced me to it, but I didn't understand it much, and I only went on for a few subreddits at first.

  • PrismDragon

    Well currently, the content I like the most is from several fandoms and gaming information/discussion. The latter is being serviced, but the former really isn't as the people interested in those haven't been affected as much due to the Reddit controversy. Thus, they aren't really showing up here.

    • JohnDough99999

      Time to get in on the ground floor. Create a tribe here and invite friends from r/ or your games.

  • spectregris

    I originally joined for some of the fandom ones, pokemon, stevenuniverse, doctorwho, but found myself looking mostly at the news, science and a bunch of other subreddits I didin't even know I wanted such as birdswitharms.

  • NinjaTurkey

    I am a conlanger, so r/conlangs was the topic that pulled me in.