Benefits of Snapzu I've found as a webcomic creator
First of all I want to say I am very grateful to be apart of this community which I have just recently joined. Secondly, I want to say that I love the way you post to tribes within the community, being able to post to multiple tribes with a click of a button rather than creating separate posts greatly increases the chances of your webcomic being read my more people without feeling like a spam artist. I got to say Snapzu, you've got me hooked.
9 years ago by inkblotcomics
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As a creator, that other really nice thing you can do here as well is that if you find a snap that has your content uploaded without a link to your site, you can add your site as a relevant link, which is something I find most other content-sharing websites don't have. While ideally no one would ever re-upload your work, it can be helpful if a snap is getting very popular given that it takes time for take-down requests to be processed.
Even the rules are pretty creator friendly.
This is cool because I'm allowed to try to make a name for myself as a creator and the 10% rule itself seems pretty reasonable.
Interesting. Do you feel like it's hurting you as the creator, if your content is uploaded to other sites with source included? Because I feel like this way you'll get traffic that you wouldn't maybe other ways get. But I don't really have experience of these things, so my understanding of the matter could be lacking.
Sorry, I meant "you" in a literal sense - I don't have any websites or anything that I wish to promote. With that said, I can empathize with creators and their frustrations, and different creators are going to have different views. For instance, the creator of the comic SMBC re-uploads their comics to imgur so that they can post them to reddit freely and indirectly drive up traffic to their site.
On reddit in particular, there are a ton of people who will view an image or video without ever visiting the comments, and the comments are the only way someone can say "hey - that's my source" if their URL isn't on the image. So even if someone puts the source in the comments, I can see how it would seem unfair to the creator, and I think I also understand why they'd request to have it be taken down. Some creators won't mind as long as a source is mentioned - both views are valid. It's obviously worse with videos, of course, since videos are typically the source of funds for the creator, so if someone re-uploads the video, the creator is really losing out.
If someone uploads an image on Snapzu but uses the Source tool when creating the snap, the link will show above the image on the published snap. To me that's much more helpful than a source posted in a comment on reddit. Still, I think if a creator wants to ask for the post to be taken down, that's fine too.
Oh, gotcha. :)
I completely agree with you on the reddit part. Most people don't really even care for the source, they just want their quick stream of content to browse through. I don't think the right way to go is encouraging this kind of behaviour, like Reddit and many others do, where posting the source of the content is as difficult as you just described.
Absolutely! That would really make Snapzu a great community, where the content creators could feel that their rights to their own content are respected. I really feel that emphasizing the importance of source would be very good for Snapzu, when all the other players on the field don't really care about the real creators of the content.
Woo! Sounds like you and I are in agreement. I'm sure there'll be all sorts of unique situations when it comes to creators and their content and the many different ways Snapzu can be utilized, but I also feel like this community is going to be pretty good at adapting and approaching new situations with empathy and the benefit of the doubt.
So far this community seems really creator friendly. All around the people are just different. Less hateful. You don't get down voted into oblivion on different opinions, it's just great all the way around.
As a reader, I also like that method - mostly so I'm not seeing it a lot over a short period of time and thus becoming bored with it quickly. There are some very talented people (I'm sure you're included) that I feel get lost in the "spam" of trying to get themselves out there. Snapzu allows you, and others, to neatly distribute to targeted audiences without overwhelming all groups or single groups.
I really do agree, i love that function. As well as how it does it automatically for you.
Crossposting to different relevant tribes is this website's flagship feature in my opinion. All of the other alternatives copied that other famous site, this is the first one that actually tried something new and hit paydirt.
I'm a long timer here now and I also believe this. Their innovation is unrivaled.
I couldn't agree more. The attitude of the users is also really nice too, I've posted a few of my pieces now and not once have I been chased away for being a "self serving [vulgarity]" as has happened on other similar sites in the past. It's a nice breath of fresh air and really makes me want to create more stuff for here.
Another great thing for content creation is that users can follow you. If they like your stuff, they are more likely to be able to find it in the future.