
Man, this reddit revolt really is something, isn't it?

I mean, like, I knew it was spirling, but there's articles now on NPR and the NYT. This is unreal, I've never seen management destroy a business so fast before.




I switched to Reddit in the digg migration, and I'm really astonished how they've let reddit fall. I'm not sorry to be leaving it in the state it is, it's just so bizarre to see a site flail this hard. History really does repeat.


9 years ago by Autumnal with 23 comments

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Conversation 16 comments by 7 users
  • NullSkipper

    I am a reddit refugee. AMA.

    • KylarGrey


      I'll bite.

      What subreddit is there not an equivalent tribe of that there really should be? Can include those which would require a significant existing userbase to work.

      • CubeFan

        Shameless plug, but I recently made t/ridethemusic, a tribe for people to share music that's given them a chill or a rush with others! I don't remember reddit having anything like that.

        • KylarGrey

          Oh sheeeit, joining!

        • Squanto

          They had r/frission which posted music sometimes, but nothing exclusively for music

          • CubeFan

            Yeah I followed r/frisson but I feel like it lost touch lately. I thought about making something similar in scope, but I think music is a large enough chunk of frisson-inducing things that it can benefit from having it's own tribe :)

          • fatsteve5531

            I would really like to see an equivalent to r/frisson. That was a great one. The weightlifter winning gold was moving and i would like to see a similar tribe here.

        • KylarGrey

          Oh sheeeit, joining!

      • worthlessgalaxy

        I would like to see writingpromts here. There is one but it is quite small. Will take some time for it to grow since it requires a large active community.

      • NullSkipper

        I'm looking... But the low-hanging fruit choice would have be /t/iama or /t/ama.

        • KylarGrey

          There is a /t/asksnapzu though!

          • NullSkipper (edited 9 years ago)

            It isn't as intuitive enough as IAMA though.

            Edit: Also, it's more like reddit's /r/askreddit more than AMA.

            • KylarGrey

              Edit: Also, it's more like reddit's /r/askreddit more than AMA.

              Yeah, I didn't mean it was Snapzu's version of AMA, I just enjoyed askreddit.

            • NullSkipper
              @KylarGrey -

              Oh! Pardon me. Is there a /t/explainlikeimfive tribe? That's another popular one.

            • KylarGrey
              @NullSkipper -

              Errr, not sure. I will say I only joined today as well, but I tried a whole load of /t/'s to see what was around. The biggest disappointment was no /t/talesfromtechsupport.

            • PrismDragon (edited 9 years ago)
              @NullSkipper -

              Not that I can remember. Do you wish to be the creator of those tribes?

  • VerteDinde

    It's amazing to watch happen - Reddit attracted such a wide variety of people, interests and opinion. I loved reading the news there, visiting different communities.

    Over time, what I found interesting was how much I had come to depend on Reddit for news and current event discussion. So when something happened that closely affected Reddit - when r/jailbait was shut down for example and most subs wouldn't allow discussion of Gawker's article on violentacrez, or when something like BlackOut is happening now - I didn't really know where to go for the insight and discussion. It's interesting to watch what used to be your own sidelines burn from the sidelines.

  • ressmox

    In my opinion, it's a result of management not understanding what got them their userbase in the first place. Commercializing your platform to make it profitable is understandable, but they're basically going full 'corporate' which the reddit userbase absolutely despises. And according to most mods of major subreddits, they've failed to adapt and assist with moderation and tools for large communities. It's like they didn't respect the power mods of defaults have over their site, and in one fell swoop karmanaut cost them a large portion of their users.

    To be honest I've been tired and annoyed the site and it's community for a long time now, only frequenting /r/dota2, so I'm not particularly affected by such a major exodus. But it's interesting, and kind of disappointing, to see so many companies make the same mistakes time and time again.

  • Cheesemangeur

    I am really enjoying the drama though, watching such a big site with such a huge user base just alienate everyone in such a way is amazing. Idiots are really everywhere.

  • Splitfish

    What did you expect? No one there with any vision remains, just a bunch of corporate lackeys now.

  • Quietrabbit

    Reddit refugee here, while it's sad to see my old favorite site burn in flames, i'm really loving this site so far :D

  • BurningBread

    I joined Reddit a couple years ago due to the wide variety of information it had, from gaming, tech, cars, all the way to Mia Khalifa before she blew up. If I want info on something I went to Reddit to seek it out. Reddit made it really easy especially with the mobile app for those on the go. It's sad to see it destroy itself from the inside out due to poor management decisions from these corporate morons..... enough with the sad talk about Reddit whens the next fappening going down lol

  • Slambardo

    I am also enjoying all the drama...hilarious. Although, like OP said, it is very bizarre to watch and I was also quite surprised that big news is reporting on it. I am kind of sad, on the other hand. I liked reddit originally, then it all just seemed to spiral dowards into a cluster-f.

    I've been checking out alternatives and am liking Snapzu so far - it can at least handle the influx of refugees relatively well.