
Former Reddit User Seeking an Alternative

Hello Snapzits (that's what you guys call yourselves right ?) have been on reddit for almost 3 years and after the ban of FPH and the fireing of Victoria I have been looking for a good alternative to Reddit. While Voat.co is cool i've found it to be too simialar to Reddit, it seems that Snapzu is a fresh start and i'm excited to see where Snapzu goes.

8 years ago by ButtHoleBong with 3 comments

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  • AinBaya

    Hey, also joining the exodus from Reddit. A user for 4 and half years but its gotten old, repetitive and just not entertaining anymore. I'm excited to join this community and start anew.

  • VoyagerXyX

    This community is really vibrant! I too was a member for almost 3 years and even though the things that are happening right now are relatively insignificant over there, its the "straw that broke the camels back" as they say. I was tired of the abuse from shitty Redditors and tired of feeling like I was just going to be reamed for having an opinion or sharing a post. I feel so much more welcome here, I hope you feel the same.

    • worthlessgalaxy

      Same here. I have had an account on reddit for a while after lurking for longer. I refused to comment due to the amount of hate I saw. This community seems so much nicer.