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What Is Figurative Language | Definition, Types, Examples
If you are wondering what the figurative language is, this article explains the meaning of this term and provides the figurative language examples.
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At What Age Does Our Ability to Learn a New Language Like a Native Speaker Disappear?
Despite the conventional wisdom, a new study shows picking up the subtleties of grammar in a second language does not fade until well into the teens
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Learning to love i18n
Applications need to go global, but language support comes at a cost. For one thing, supporting multiple languages demands additional testing rigor.
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Control Of Language Damages Cultural Identity and Diversity
Control of language has been a tool used to manipulate and eliminate cultural identity. Can we save dying languages from this fate?
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Words we think we know, but can't pronounce: the curse of the avid reader
Do you know how to say apropos? What about awry? We want to know which words you’ve mispronounced – and how you found out your mistake
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Best Language Learning Websites Of 2020 | Gurmentor
If you're wondering about the best language learning websites, here are our top 16 picks. These contain free language learning websites as well as paid.
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New research shows video games improve literacy
35% of the respondents said that playing games made them better readers
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Dictionary.com revises definitions to eliminate prejudiced language
Leading online reference announces more than 15,000 changes, intended to foreground people over clinical language
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Best Language Learning Podcasts for Most Popular Languages
Looking for the best language learning podcasts in 2020? In this article, we will choose the best podcasts for learning the most popular languages.
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Machines can spot mental health issues—if you hand over your personal data
When Neguine Rezaii first moved to the United States a decade ago, she hesitated to tell people she was Iranian. Instead, she would use Persian. “I figured that people probably wouldn’t know what that was,” she says.
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Is A Proper Accent Important In Learning a New Language?
Speaking with a correct accent is one of the areas language students struggle with the most. But, is a spot on native accent that important?
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What Does Baseball’s Bilingualism Reveal?
A linguistic anthropologist who is also a baseball aficionado reflects on what can be learned from how language mashups play out on and off the baseball diamond.
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In a Fascinating Twist, Animals That Do Math Also Understand More Language Than We Think
It is often thought that humans are different from other animals in some fundamental way that makes us unique, or even more advanced than other species. These claims of human superiority are sometimes used to justify the ways we treat other animals,
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Long Interstellar Voyage Could Bring Difficulties Along With Evolution of Human Language, Says Study
The creation of "Generation Ships" or Interstellar Arks has been the subject of many scientific studies and proposals that can accommodate multiple generations of human beings and take them to a distant planet or could help to colonize the known universe.
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Wearable-tech glove translates sign language into speech in real time
The innovative device turns finger movements into electrical signals and ultimately into spoken words through a smartphone app.
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'Uncharted territory': National Spelling Bee ends in historic eight-way tie
The Scripps National Spelling Bee ended in a historic eight-way tie when the final octet of contenders fielded everything the dictionary threw at them
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F***ing Insertion is Systematic, And This Is How It Works.
A blog about linguistics and language learning.
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2020’s Best Techniques for Learning a Foreign Language
Encore!!! app presents 2020’s best techniques for learning a foreign language. For educators or students, Encore can teach you a new language fast.
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Benefits of Bilingualism: Why Is Bilingual Education Important
Benefits of bilingualism go way beyond the ability to function in a foreign country, which is why bilingual education is a topic of growing importance.
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What is the Best Way to Learn Spanish on Your Own in 2020?
If you’ve decided to learn Spanish language, check out our tips on the best ways to learn Spanish on your own. Make learning fun and productive!
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