+2 +1
We Need a Shorter Workweek to Free Us From the Tyranny of Work
Being able to relax, spend time with loved ones, have freedom from a boss, and do whatever the hell we want are essential parts of what it means to be human. Workers need more time off.
+14 +2
The divorce from hell, the battle for alimony and emptied pockets
Terry Power’s face tightened as he listened to his wife’s attorney tick off their assets on the final day of his divorce trial. He sat in a leather chair at a glass-covered table inside a paneled judicial chamber and he thought not for the first time that her voice annoyed him.
+11 +2
Jobs, marriages, cities – we are quitting them in our droves
The pandemic changed everything… but most of all, it made us question the way we live
+3 +1
How to Kill a Zombie Fire
Underground peat fires refuse to die, even when flooded with water. So scientists developed a new weapon to put them down for good.
+14 +5
Life Lessons from a Moab Trailer
What I learned about love, loss, and landscape over two decades of living in a 1961 Artcraft mobile home in the Utah desert
+4 +1
Who Says Life Is Supposed To Be Easy?
Reading Time: 6 minutes You have made the dedication to start a business or you are going to be more outgoing. Then again you may have just gone through a divorce. And you are trying to decide what you are going to do next. You are then hit with your first big obstacle. Why isn’t this as easy as people make it seem? Are you just not good at this? Why do some people make what you are trying to do look so easy, while other people struggle? Isn’t starting a new business supposed to be easy? First, you have to understand that nothing …
+19 +2
How should you choose the right right thing to do?
The ethical life means being good to ourselves, to others, and to the world. But how do you choose if these demands compete?
+18 +5
Why our pursuit of happiness may be flawed
It is an emotion linked to improved health and well-being, but is our obsession with being happy a recipe for disappointment, asks Nat Rutherford.
+22 +3
You Don't Always Need the Best. What You Need Is "Good Enough"
The "Good Enough" principle. A powerful guide to balancing your need to achieve the very BEST, while finding contentment in life
+11 +2
Why childhood and old age are key to our human capacities
The dance of love and lore between grandparent and grandchild is at the centre, not the fringes, of our evolutionary story
+21 +1
Is Technology Actually Making Things Better?
We face a growing array of problems that involve technology directly or indirectly. To name just a few: nuclear weapons, climate change induced by fossil fuels, the possibility that AI will get out of control, the effect of automation on employment, using bots and targeted fake news to influence elections, deepfake software, data and privacy concerns in general and, in particular, the capacity of facial-recognition software to create a surveillance state (like China).
+2 +1
Starting Over At 50 Can Be Done, Here's How - Arrest Your Debt
Starting over at 50 is not something most of us plan for. However, a job loss, bankruptcy, or divorce doesn't mean we can't bounce back. Use this guide to get back on track!
+4 +1
The Store That Called the Cops on George Floyd Is Facing a Painful Reckoning
Shortly after 8 p.m. on Memorial Day, May 25, Mahmoud “Mike” Abumayyaleh got a panicked phone call from a teenage employee at the store he owns with his three brothers. “Mike! Mike! They’re killing him,” she said. “My heart dropped. Like, it fell to the ground,” Mahmoud told me. He had no clue what she was talking about. At first, he assumed a customer was accosting a worker.
+17 +2
Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear
As much as courage is not the absence of fear, I believe courage means having the freedom to make decisions without fear holding you back.
+15 +3
'It smells bad, it tastes bad': how Americans stopped trusting their water
Many residents of Martin county, Kentucky, won’t drink their tap water, a legacy of years of mismanagement
+20 +5
The Rewards of Patience in Troubled Times
How reconnecting with family, friends, and colleagues lifts the human spirit.
+29 +6
Why Forgiving Someone Else Is Really About You
Deciding to forgive is a big step. After all, you're the one who's been harmed! But it turns out that forgiving someone actually has benefits for your mental health. The practice of radical forgiveness can help you process hurt and anger — and ultimately find peace.
+3 +1
Soap dodger: meet the doctor who says we have been showering wrong
Hand-washing aside, James Hamblin has not used soap for five years. He warns that our obsession with being clean is harming the microbiome that keeps us healthy
+17 +3
“Crime and Punishment” and the need to be Great
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was one of the most prominent Russian novelists of all time. His novels are often surrounded by a gloomy, violent aura and deep, complex characters. Dostoevsky never fails to make the reader ponder and introduce philosophical themes in a subtle, but convincing way. His novel “Notes from the underground” is one of the most distinguished existential fictions in the world.
+23 +4
Study shows humans are optimists for most of life
Is middle age really the “golden age” when people are the most optimistic in life? Researchers from Michigan State University led the largest study of its kind to determine how optimistic people are in life and when as well as how major life events affect how optimistic they are about the future. “We found that optimism continued to increase throughout young adulthood, seemed to steadily plateau and then decline into older adulthood,” said William Chopik, MSU assistant professor of psychology at MSU and lead author.
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