
Will Gay Marriage Destroy the Uniqueness of the GLBQ Subculture? (If you could answer this in qnation that would be great. Thank you.)

Gay marriage is very much a topic that has had much more than its 15-minutes of fame for me. And, I say this as someone whose sexuality has been fluid. My relationships with both men and women have always ended, with the only common denominator being me. I get it and I am working on it. But, I am not the topic of this quick question.

The GLBQ community was elated over the Supreme Court's ruling legalizing gay marriage nationwide and I don't mean to diminish the importance of the legitimization of same sex relationships in the US. But being a contrarian, the advent of gay marriage brings an end perhaps to those things which made being LGBQ an interesting, vibrant, introspective and creative community. I hope I am wrong, but I fear I am not.

Marriage, having babies and the suburban life seem to undermine everything that made LGBQ life so fun. It's like going from Fruit Stripe bubble gum to sugar-free Dentyne. Does anyone else think that the advent of gay marriage is going to destroy, or diminish the uniqueness of the LGBQ subculture? Is this progress? I am truly interested in your opinion.

9 years ago by blahblahgabor

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