
Blue vs Black ink. Which is more professional looking?

9 years ago by Typo with 5 comments

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  • Bastou

    Definitely blue. Black is indistinguishable from most black and white mechanical printing, is slightly harder to reproduce using a printer, it looks more distinguished. Black is too drab to be professional, it doesn't have style!

  • blahblahgabor


    • Typo

      I agree with you, but you didn't really support your reasoning. I believe it is better because there isn't the issue of "shade". Sure, some black ink can be on the grey side but generally, it all looks the same. Blue ink has different shades and depending on the brand, can change colors when it dries.

      • blahblahgabor

        Black, Papermate flair medium, felt tip. My signature is beautiful with this pen and best suits my style of penmanship. It is especially expressive when making notes like: no, rejected, start over and 3 day suspension (unpaid).

  • Lievren

    Well, often blue ink is preferred, but only because of the requirements of a "wet signature" in many cases. However, I personally find that with the round first letter and looping that the shape of my name inevitably requires, I'd prefer the gravitas of black. I've long ago adopted an angled loop to some satisfaction, but this doesn't entirely prevent my name from lapsing into a ribbon curl if I'm rushing. I'm also --when I have the luxury-- a tiny bit persnickety about what shades of blue I end up choosing from the selection, for that same reason. Some blues are better than others. The darker the better, but one which is still an indisputable blue. Black pens tend to be judged by me only for their glide and even delivery of the ink not the unvarying shade.