
Who is your main and why do you play them?

I just joined Snapzu and saw Plastico's post on this tribes inactivity, and decided to start a discussion. My main is Darius, because he was the first champion that I didn't do terribly at when I first started playing him. What about you guys?

8 years ago by Chrisman127 with 7 comments

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  • plastico

    I mained Zac for a long time before the buffs on other top laners made Zac a bit underwhelming. I play a lot of Janna and Thresh now, but I haven't got a main champ per se.

  • KingWizard (edited 8 years ago)

    I main Support/jungle although I usually just fill.

    Top: Akali/Yorick/Yasuo.

    Jungle: Zac/Pantheon/Kha'zix.

    Mid: Orianna/Annie/Yasuo.

    Adc: Lucian/Ashe.

    Support: Thresh, Annie, Janna.

  • FurtWigglepants

    I play lux as both mid and support. The only reason I really started to learn her was because of her laugh. But I like the challenge it takes to play her well.

  • HangedCole

    Season 3, Elise. Season 4, Ziggs. They were both crazy champions to play and both overpowered. Season 5 came then they were buried under the ground. :/

  • Legion (edited 8 years ago)

    I main support, Braum and Thresh mostly. I don't really know why I enjoy them so much. I guess it's because I feel like I can actually have an impact on the game with them.

    For other roles:

    Top: Ryze

    Mid: Azir, Ahri

    Jungle: Gragas, Sejuani

    ADC: Jinx, Caitlyn

  • pilvlp

    I am a main support although my favorite champion to play is Galio. I really enjoy his skill set.

  • ClockworkInfrno

    I used to main fiddlesticks before jungle changes (I just kinda got bored of jungle) and now i am a adc/sup main and my mains are Jinx and Leona.