
NA LCS Summer - Week 8 Day 1 Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Match 1: Cloud9 vs Enemy Esports

Win for Cloud 9

Game Time: 28:29

Bans, Cloud9: [Nidalee, Gragas, Rek'Sai]

Bans, Enemy Esports: [Ryze, Azir, Orianna]

Picks, Cloud9: [Rumble, Shyvana, Ahri, Kalista, Braum]

Picks, Enemy Esports: [Maokai, Evelynn, Master Yi, Corki, Alistar]

Match 2: Team Impulse vs Team SoloMid

Win for Team Impulse

Game Time: 39:00

Bans, Team Impulse: [Azir, Rek'Sai, Kalista]

Bans, Team SoloMid: [Ryze, Sivir, Alistar]

Picks, Team Impulse: [Maokai, Nidalee, Orianna, Kog'Maw, Janna]

Picks, Team SoloMid: [Shen, Gragas, Twisted Fate, Corki, Annie]

Match 3: Counter Logic Gaming vs Team Liquid

Win for Counter Logic Gaming

Game Time: 37:31

Bans, Counter Logic Gaming: [Azir, Annie, Nidalee]

Bans, Team Liquid: [Ryze, Sivir, Kalista]

Picks, Counter Logic Gaming: [Fizz, Gragas, Ezreal, Tristanna, Alistar]

Picks, Team Liquid: [Hecarim, Rek'Sai, Viktor, Corki, Janna]

Match 4: Gravity vs Team Dignitas

Win for Team Dignitas

Game Time: 56:28

Bans, Gravity: [Azir, Kalista, Twisted Fate]

Bans, Team Dignitas: [Nidalee, Sivir, Ryze]

Picks, Gravity: [Shen, Vi, Rumble, Tristanna, Braum]

Picks, Team Dignitas: [Gnar, Rek'Sai, Ahri, Corki, Thresh]

Match 5: Team Dragon Knight vs Team 8

Win for Team 8

Game Time: 50:56

Bans, Team Dragon Knights: [Annie, Kalista, Sivir]

Bans, Team 8: [Vladimir, Ryze, Nidalee]

Picks, Team Dragon Knights: [Rumble, Evelynn, Jayce, Tristanna, Braum]

Picks, Team 8: [Maokai, Gragas, Varus, Corki, Alistar]

8 years ago by kimkam120 with 1 comments

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  • kimkam120

    If there are any mistakes anyone notices please tell me, formatting to make a very nice text post is extremely hard on Snapzu. Anyways, some extremely long games coming out today, Almost an hour between GRV vs DIG and almost 51 minutes between TDK and T8. Very glad to see Team Impulse beat out TSM :) I also noticed a LOT of bans are the same across all the games, I wonder if that means those champs are a little too strong right now or just some very talented players running them?