+1 +1
Block Level Elements Vs Inline Level Elements – Quick Intro
+21 +5
Robots Are Writing Poetry, and Many People Can’t Tell the Difference
WHEN A BOOK of brazenly surrealistic poetry and prose was published in 1984, attributed to a mysterious figure named “Racter,” it was hard to know what to make of it. The Policeman’s Beard Is Half-Constructed was a fever vision of weirdness. “I need electricity,” declared the poet in a signature moment. “I need it more than I need lamb or pork or lettuce or cucumber. / I need it for my dreams.”
+15 +4
Why French Will Remain The 'Other' Global Language
According to the projections of The International Organization of La Francophone, the language of Molière will retain its status in the next half-century thanks to the demographic growth of Africa.
+3 +1
How our brains cope with speaking more than one language
Speaking a second or even a third language can bring obvious advantages, but occasionally the words, grammar and even accents can get mixed up.
+10 +2
Ryanair Afrikaans test: South African fury over language quiz
Many black South Africans associate the Afrikaans language with white-minority rule.
+4 +1
How we pronounce Uvalde says a lot about the power of language in mixed communities
The name of the town comes from a misspelled Spanish name. The way people say it traces a long history of racializing Latinos in the U.S.
+4 +1
For Russian-Speaking Ukrainians, Language Clubs Offer Way to Defy Invaders
Many Ukraine citizens speak Russian as their first language. Volunteer organizations are helping them improve their Ukrainian and abandon “the occupiers’ language.”
+14 +1
The Enduring Power of Clichés, Explained
I have a friend who speaks only in trite, pithy statements — “What goes around comes around.” “You should really think outside the box.” “Maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” No? “Then it feels like a perfect storm.” God, they’re “such a cliché.”
+17 +4
Plain language guide: 51 tips to write in plain English for better readability
If you want more people to read what you've written and to understand what you mean, the tips in this plain English writing guide will help.
+2 +1
'Baby talk' helps infants learn words, study finds
Speaking "baby talk" to infants not only helps parents and caregivers connect with the young ones in their charge, but it may also help babies learn to make words, a study published Friday by the journal Speech, Language and Hearing found. Mimicking the sound of a smaller vocal tract clues babies into how words should sound coming out of their own mouths, the researchers said.
+13 +2
China says 85% of citizens will use Mandarin by 2025
China is launching an aggressive campaign to promote Mandarin, saying 85% of its citizens will use the national language by 2025. The move appears to put threatened Chinese regional dialects such as Cantonese and Hokkien under even greater pressure, along with minority languages such as Tibetan, Mongolian and Uyghur.
Interactive+1 +1
Gesture Recognition Based Project Centers Chennai- ECE Projects
1crore projects started doing Gesture Recognition Base Projects for final year ECE students. In our centers all type of gesture recognition projects available.- ECE Projects
+17 +2
Extinction of Indigenous languages leads to loss of exclusive knowledge about medicinal plants
“Every time a language disappears, a speaking voice also disappears, a way to make sense of reality disappears, a way to interact with nature disappears, a way to describe and name animals and plants disappears,” says Jordi Bascompte, researcher in the Department of Evolutional Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Zurich.
+13 +2
When It Comes to Communication Skills—Maybe We’re Born with It?
From inside the womb and as soon as they enter the world, babies absorb information from their environment and the adults around them, quickly learning after birth how to start communicating through cries, sounds, giggles, and other kinds of baby talk. But are a child’s long-term language skills shaped by how their brain develops during infancy, and how much of their language development is influenced by their environment and upbringing?
+16 +2
AI’s Islamophobia problem
Language models such as GPT-3 have been hailed for their potential to enhance our creativity. Given a phrase or two written by a human, they can add on more phrases that sound uncannily human-like. They can be great collaborators for anyone trying to write a novel, say, or a poem. GPT-3 is a smart and poetic AI. Unfortunately, it also says terrible things about Muslims.
+13 +2
Scientists have found a duck that can imitate speech but it can only say 'you bloody fool'
Scientists say that the recordings are evidence that musk ducks are like parrots in that they are vocal language learners.
+4 +1
Handwriting Is Better Than Typing When Learning a New Language, Study Finds
In our daily lives, we spend a lot more time tapping at a screen and typing on a keyboard than writing with pencil and pen, so does handwriting tuition still offer anything useful? Absolutely, according to a new study.
+24 +4
When Suzie's son fell behind, doctors discouraged her from teaching him the one thing that ended up helping
Suzie watched her son's development deteriorate for years. Doctors said it was all part of the process, but they were wrong.
+13 +3
Sorbs: The ethnic minority inside Germany
European nations have come and gone, but for more than 1,500 years, a Slavic-speaking ethnic minority has remained inside Germany.
+22 +3
Why US English is a history lesson for the British - BBC Reel
Long before Jamestown or the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Massachusetts in 1620, the US English style of spelling words such as 'honor', 'color', and 'center' were alive and well in British English. Etymologist and broadcaster Susie Dent opens an 'aluminum' can of worms and teaches Brits a thing or two about their shared linguistic heritage. Script and narration: Susie Dent Animation: Dominika Ozynska and Adrian Hartrick
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