
Useful IRC commands for the new and "Old that forgot"

The basics are pretty simple.

From the main console chat for any server you can join a channel by typing:

/join [channelname]

So "/join #snapzu" will get you to us!

You can message anyone privately by using:

/msg [username] message goes here

On the server we are using you can also perminently register your nickname using: /msg nickserv@services.dal.net register [password] [email address] (this will register the nick you are using at that moment and set it the password you give, you will also need to respond to an email)

You can do an action by typing: /me [what you are doing] so "/me has a cup of tea" would print "CuppaMatt has a cup of tea"

If you can think of any more join in on the comments!

9 years ago by CuppaMatt with 1 comments

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  • AinBaya

    /whois CuppaMatt Gives a bit of information that can be useful. It includes idling time