+39 +9
Bats may hold the evolutionary secret to beating cancer
Scientists have discovered that bats possess an extraordinary capacity to fight off infections and avoid cancer.
+33 +3
Introduction to Egg Boxing | Peter Attia, M.D.
+35 +3
Many of today's unhealthy foods were brought to you by Big Tobacco
For decades, tobacco companies hooked people on cigarettes by making their products more addictive. Now, a new study suggests that tobacco companies may have used a similar strategy to hook people on processed foods. In the 1980s, tobacco giants Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds acquired the major food companies Kraft, General Foods and Nabisco, allowing tobacco firms to dominate America's food supply and reap billions in sales from popular brands such as Oreo cookies, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and
+22 +4
Scratching Itchy Skin Causes Brain To Release Hormone Serotonin, Intensifies Itchy Sensation
While a good scratch may temporarily relieve you of your itch, it actually stimulates serotonin in the brain that intensifies the itchy feeling.
+22 +3
The American nuclear family is officially over
The number of Americans living with a spouse and children has plummeted in the last 50 years.
+42 +6
Company Is Working on ‘Synthetic Alcohol’ That Has None of the Negative Side-Effects of the Real Thing
A synthetic alcohol called 'Alcarelle' reportedly provides the relaxing effects of alcohol without hangovers and other negative side effects.
+19 +3
Sandhills help alligator cross the street.
+24 +1
The Artificial Intelligence That Deleted A Century
+42 +4
Brain recordings capture musicality of speech — with help from Pink Floyd
Neuroscientists decode song from brain recordings, revealing areas dealing with rhythm and vocals
+29 +6
'I only have 1 dog:' Shocked California homeowner spots mountain lion 'playing' with pet
Home security footage shows a family dog chasing a mountain lion in the northern California community of Morada.
+30 +4
Beloved Two-Headed Snake Back on Public Display at Texas Zoo After 2 Years Absence
Pancho and Lefty have two brains, and one body, and a lot of fans missed him during his two-year absence: “Come see him any time!”
+31 +4
End User, by Alastair Reynolds | Animated Video
+41 +4
Nina Teicholz presentation: US Dietary Guidelines are out of step with the Science
+40 +2
Tired of proving you're not a robot? Say goodbye to Captcha boxes.
You have probably seen Captchas - puzzles that ask you to pick out all the bicycles in an image or to decipher letters that are written in squiggly lines. These riddles are designed to let you buy concert tickets or sign up for Netflix but keep out someone who is using computers to hammer a bank website with bogus credit card applications or employing rapid-fire software to buy video game consoles before you have a chance.Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and interesti
+36 +5
Using a Commodore 64 on the modern internet!
1 comments by Gozzin -
+27 +5
The US Is Ugly. THIS is Why.
+21 +1
Capitalism, Poverty, and Ratatouille
+22 +3
How Loud Can a Human Scream? What The Science Says | House Grail
Human screams are typically 100 dB loud. This level may not seem that loud but 15 minutes of exposure to 100 dB can cause hearing damage
+30 +4
Scientists have found part of the brain that triggers out-of-body experiences
Scientists have pinpointed a special part of the brain that, when stimulated, appears to produce out-of-body experiences.
+29 +5
Rainbow Snake
NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Common Rainbow Snake, Eel Moccasin, Southern Florida Rainbow Snake Basic description Most adult Rainbow Snakes are about 27–48 inches (70–122 cm) in total length. Adults are large, thick bodied, and quite beautiful. These snakes are mostly glossy black (iridescent
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