+4 +1
How ants find their way
Insects use a wide range of tools for orientation, including visual memory, smell, and counting steps. The tricky question is how they combine and compute different kinds of inputs, and whether their methods can help us understand more complex brains or create artificial ones. Michael Gross investigates. Bottom of the article, you will be able to find a simulator link for How ants find their way.
+19 +2
Some People Really Are Mosquito Magnets, and They’re Stuck That Way
Certain compounds in our skin determine how much we attract mosquitoes, new research suggests—and those compounds don’t change much over time
+17 +4
Inside the race to stop lanternflies—before they get to a town near you
It’s a cool, drizzly Sunday morning, but that hasn’t stopped more than 66,000 fans from showing up to see the Steelers take on the New York Jets. At the stadium entrance, the smell of charcoal briquettes fill the air, while portable speakers blast music from innumerable tailgate parties.
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Cordon bleugh? Worms and crickets could soon be tickling French palates
Burgundy insect farm ramps up production to offer a meat-free future
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Extinct wood eating cockroach rediscovered after 80 years
The Lord Howe Island Wood-feeding cockroach – long thought to be extinct on the main island – has been rediscovered at the foot of a single Banyan tree
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Mosquitoes that can’t spread malaria engineered by scientists
Scientists have engineered mosquitoes that slow the growth of malaria-causing parasites in their gut, preventing transmission of malaria to humans.
+8 +1
Fire ant rafts form because of the Cheerios effect, study concludes
Fire ants will change shape of the raft to reduce drag and adapt to fluid flows.
+15 +2
Research Highlights: Pathogenic Fungus On Infected Dead Female Flies Fools Male Flies To Mate
The recognition species concept is an idea that a species is characterized by a unique fertilization system that restricts gene-flow with other species.
+13 +2
Scientists discover that it takes 10 ants to form a stable raft
Ants prefer not to make a collective raft when on water. However, once there are 10 insects near each other, the so-called Cheerios effect pushes them together and is too strong to counteract
+19 +1
Cyborg Cockroaches With Solar-Powered Backpacks Could Deploy in Disaster Zones
The first thing to know about the Madagascar hissing cockroach, a black-and-brown invertebrate about as long as your forefinger, is that it lives up to its name. When it feels threatened, it squeaks out a hiss by quickly passing air through holes in its back. The result is something resembling the rattle of a snake's tail. Weird but cool.
+23 +5
Monarch butterflies join the Red List of endangered species, thanks to habitat loss, climate change and pesticides
The iconic monarch butterfly has been added to the Red List of endangered species, but hasn’t received protection in the US yet. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.
+16 +3
Why I prefer eating grasshoppers to beef
For most people in Europe and the US, the idea of eating crickets and grasshoppers can seem revolting, but they are a popular snack in parts of Africa and Asia. Not only are they packed with nutrients but they are less harmful to the climate too.
+18 +5
Which endangered species should we save? Humans face tough choices about what lives — and what dies
Given the option of saving the iconic monarch butterfly or a giant slug, what would you choose? As more species are pushed to the brink of extinction, humans will have to decide the winners and losers of the animal kingdom.
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Beloved monarch butterflies now listed as endangered
The monarch butterfly fluttered a step closer to extinction Thursday, as scientists put the iconic orange-and-black insect on the endangered list because of its fast dwindling numbers.
+14 +4
Scientists hack fly brains to make them remote controlled
Researchers at Rice University have shown how they can hack the brains of fruit flies to make them remote controlled. The flies performed a specific action within a second of a command being sent to certain neurons in their brain.
+12 +3
Monarch butterfly populations are thriving in North America
For years, scientists have warned that monarch butterflies are dying off in droves because of diminishing winter colonies. But new research from the University of Georgia shows that the summer population of monarchs has remained relatively stable over the past 25 years. Published in Global Change Biology, the study suggests that population growth during the summer compensates for butterfly losses due to migration, winter weather and changing environmental factors.
+18 +2
Tick that makes you allergic to meat is spreading across US
A tick that causes people to become allergic to meat is spreading across the United States, according to a report, with cases in places such as New York and New Jersey. Known as the Lone Star tick for the single white dot on the back of females, the arachnid is known to transmit a molecule (called alpha-gal) normally found in mammals they have fed on to people they bite.
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A gut-invading parasite is plaguing monarch butterflies in Calif.
After rebounding from the brink of extinction, monarch butterflies are once again in crisis. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) says that from 2021-2022, California's western monarch population plummeted to less than 2,000 and flew back up to 200,000 as of this year – but researchers have discovered a new threat to the iconic migratory butterfly species.
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Monarch Butterfly Count Up 35% in WWF-Mexico Survey
After many years of plummeting populations of migrating monarch butterflies, a WWF-Mexico survey brings good news: during the 2021-2022 overwintering period, the monarch butterfly presence observed in the forests of Mexico was 35% higher than the previous year. While the butterflies are still vulnerable and require more conservation efforts, the survey gives some hope for recovery.
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