
[Features] An officially-supported dark theme or

I'm aware there are some custom styles that implement this, but those never seem to be quite as polished as something with first-party support, and they break down over time with changes to the site. I'd really appreciate it if a dark theme were built into Snapzu, as the glaring white wears on my eyes over time.

edit: Originally the title was "[Features] An officially-supported dark theme or 'night mode'". Unfortunately it seems to have got cut off somewhere along the line...

9 years ago by woo with 5 comments

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  • SevenTales

    It's not built-in, but the night mode of Snapzu enhancement, an addon for the site, is extremely usable! If you liked RES, like /u/gremlin, check it out :)

    • woo

      Looks nice! I'll keep an eye out for when Firefox support makes it in.

      • SevenTales

        Yes, I'm waiting for that as well. I don't mind chrome, but I do prefer Firefox.

  • gremlin

    I'd totally love this. The reason I got reddit enhanced suite was just for the night mode, so I would definitely use this.

    • joethebob

      At the time the entirety of the reason I installed RES was for nightmode.