
[Features] Custom Tribe 'Mashups'

As a user, I'd like to be able to create and save a list of tribes whose combined posts I can view in aggregate, so I can quickly browse snaps based on my mood.

This would basically work like the normal tribe-based view, but as if I had only joined the tribes in the list. I could have a limited number of lists that I could give a friendly name. My own lists would then appear as a dropdown or sidebar button, so I could filter the main list quickly.

Potentially, I could also turn off a list from the main view.

An example of how this could be useful:

  • I use snapzu for general fun and like lots of comedy tribes. I'm looking for a job, so I decide to join tribes about jobhunting, interview techniques, dressing for success and a job tribe for my country or state.

  • I don't want to see the job stuff when I'm browsing for comedy (it's a bummer when I'm looking for funny clips).

  • I make a comedy list ('procrastination') and a job list ('get working'). I can quickly select one on the main page and focus on my mission.

Really just a loose suggestion, but potentially useful for some.

9 years ago by imnotgoats

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