
Remove the Tribe promotion popups

I was trying to read the comments on a snap when a popup suggesting I join the tribe it was submitted to took over my screen. I wasn't logged in at the time and I'm sure many people browsing haven't even received their invites yet. This has me wondering how effective this form of promotion is, but beyond that, I just found it frustrating.

Within my browser window I found no intuitive option to close the popup aside from following the link to the tribe. After pressing the back button and loading into the comments section once more, the popup returned. I searched again for a close/x button to no avail. I backed out and reloaded once more. This time when the popup... popped up, I conceded and decided reading the comments wasn't worth the effort.

Now I'm sure I must be missing something, maybe I'm too zoomed in and just couldn't see it, I'm not sure. My reason for suggesting this is that I can't immagine I'm the first to experience it. The comments section is a great deal of what makes the digg/reddit/snapzu formula great and if people are offput by this it could be discouraging. If the pop up is going to exist, I think closing it should be more user friendly.

Thanks :)

8 years ago by jPup with 1 comments

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  • geoleo

    Do you by any chance browse in incognito mode? I've seen the popovers before when I was logged out but once I closed it it remembered not to show it again (I think through a browser cookie)