
Reclaiming a Tribe with Inactive Chief/Staff?

I joined a Tribe that unfortunately has a chief that has been inactive for 4 months now. This Tribe is naturally growing since the name is a pretty obvious given, and it's fairly active with 100+ members. Unfortunately, there is no moderators though and no chief around to appoint any.

I've reached out via PM to the chief in hopes of a response, but haven't been able to get one back yet. Right now, no moderation isn't a big deal and the users that are joining and promoting more activity, which is going to encourage growth which may or may not need proper moderation int he near future. It's not a big deal right now, but having the ability to reclaim a tribe from an inactive chief is going to be a must, or at least reclaim it from inactive staff.

You could set it to where if the Chief is inactive, the moderators see that it can be reclaimed a month in advance, then if the moderators don't claim it, another member with a certain level (I think it is currectly 15) can claim the Tribe.

9 years ago by the7egend with 2 comments

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  • MadMonk

    /t/reclaimtribe is where you want to post about the tribe you wish to reclaim. Alternatively, you could message /Snapzuteam

    • the7egend

      Thanks for your help, looks like someone already made a post regarding the tribe that I had in question /t/anime .